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My alarm goes off and wakes me up from my amazing dream. "Fuckkk" I say hitting the button to turn it off.
"Get up" Stevie says running into my room jumping on me, "here's your dress, the makeup and hair girl is here she's coming up now so get out of bed" Kimberly says.

I get out of bed and the girls come to do my hair and makeup, " hi I'm jess I'm doing your hair, can you sit down on this chair for me" she says placing a hair in front of her, I sit down and she does my hair, I just have it done quite simple and Curled.
Then the makeup girl Alexa does my makeup quite natural, "do you play guitar and sing?" Alexa says pointing to my guitar, "yeah" I say.
"You should sing at the wedding" she says, I laugh a bit, "I would but I have nothing to sing and I hate singing in front of people" I tell her and she nods understanding.

"There you go all done, you look gorgeous" Alexa says, she then takes a photo for her blog, " thank you" I smile. She heads out my room and I get dressed, the dress is a short really dark blue dress, I love it.
"Allison" someone says coming into my room.
"Danny, you look hot" I say looking at him in his suit, "I know right, you don't look bad yourself" He says laughing.

"Bridesmaids downstairs and Danny" Stevie's mom shouts up the stairs.
I grab my phone and head down the stairs, "you all look so beautiful" my mom says shedding a tear. "And you Danny" she laughs.

"You look gorgeous" Stevie says to me,
"Thank you, so do you" I say back, I can tell she is blushing, "I like your tattoo" she says poking it, I smile about to say something. "Girls photo please"Stevie's mom says. Me, Stevie and Kim all line up and Stevie's brother takes our photo, "selfie" Danny says holding his phone up to me, i kiss his cheek and he takes the photo.

"Right so, Ally, Stevie, Danny, Mike(Stevie's brother)and Kim, your all sharing a limo, and then the rest of us are going in the other one, the men are already there, except them two" my mom says, I grab my phone and we head into the limos, I grab the bottle of champagne in the middle, I open it and poor everyone a glass.
We all take a limo selfie and then we go to the wedding venue.

We arrive and it's beautiful, it's an outside ceremony in like a woods area, its honestly amazing.
I look at all the guests and see all my family who I haven't seen in a while.
I spot Tori sat with her mom and dad, she looks beautiful.
"Places everyone" Stevie's mom shouts. I stand in the isle next to Kim and Stevie, then the music starts playing and everyone stands up, we all hold hands and start walking until we reach the front and then we stand at the side.

I hear my mom and dad say the wedding vows and the 'I do's' and then it's over in a flash.
But now we're heading to the party bit and I'm happy.

The party has started and I'm getting a drink from the little outside bar area,    " hi beautiful" I hear someone whisper in my ear, I turn around and see Tori, "Tori" I say excited and hug her, "I don't want a hug" she says and kisses me strongly. The bar man walks over, "oh hi can I have a corona and a glass of champagne please?" I say, he smiles and makes the drinks, "3 dollars please" he says smiling, I hand him the money and grab our drinks, "here you go" I say passing the champagne to Tori. "Thanks baby" she says and kisses my head.
"There you are" Danny says leaning his head on my shoulder, "toriiiii" he says again and hugs her.
"Hiiii Danny" she replies.
I laugh and hit Danny's head softly, "doesn't Danny look beautiful tori" I say side hug Danny, "yes you really do dan" she says and rubs his head.
"You too need to come see my parents, they miss you" Tori says grabbing my hand and pulling me along, I grab Danny and bring him with us.

We reach tori's parents, "mom look who it is" Tori says pointing me and Danny out, "Ally, Danny how are you both" her mom says hugging me and then Danny. "I'm great" I say and Danny nods.
"Ally, your mom wants you to sing one of your songs, I think it was next to you or something" Stevie says holding my arm. I can tell that tori is giving her a dirty look behind me, "no, can you tell her I don't want to" I say, really not wanting to do it. "Go on babe you will be great" Tori says, "yeah come on ally, I'll play piano for you" Danny says trying to encourage me.

"Fine" I say, and me Tori and Danny go and find my mom, "there you are, here's your guitar get up on that stage girl" mom says handing me my guitar, I watch Danny go on stage and speak into the microphone, "hi everyone, so I want you to all give it up, for the brides daughter, it's the beautiful Allison hills".
I smile and walk on stage and Danny sits behind me on the piano, "so this is a pretty depressing song but my mom made me sing it so, bare with me on this one" I say into the mike, my heart is pounding, I am so scared, my hands shake as I start to play the guitar.

I take a deep breathe and sing

You say I matter
So why do you try and shatter
Every piece of me

I know it takes two
But you know I can't be there with you
And that's all I wanna be

I said I'm sorry but
I just can't get enough
Cause you belong to me

But how does it feel
To pretend I'm not real
When the distance between just isn't ideal
So open your eyes a day at a time
And I'm closer to being next to you
Oohhh ohhh
Next to you
Ohhh oh oh

The worst part of it all
Is that I keep building this wall
To push me away from you

But I want you to break it
To show me that we can make it
Cause that's all I wanna do

I said I'm sorry but
I just can't get enough
Cause I belong to you

How does it feel
To pretend I'm not real
When the distance between
Just isn't ideal

So open your eyes
A day at a time
And I'm closer to
Being next to you
Oohh ohhh
Next to you
Ohhh oh oh

I know that I'd make you mine
If you would just make the time
You say that you need me
It's never that easy

How does it feel to pretend I'm not real
When the distance between just isn't ideal
So open your eyes a day at a time
And I'm closer to being next to you
Oooo ohhh oooo
And I'm closer to
Being next to you

I stop singing and smile as people cheer, "thank you" I say into the microphone and then I get off the stage.

Stevie's POV

Im in love with Allison don hills. Fuck.

Ally's POV
I walk back to everyone and they all hug me, I swear about 50 people have said 'that was amazing ally'.
I walk over to Tori and she kisses me, "your so amazing" she says and I blush. She gives me my beer and I drink it all. Danny comes running up to me and picks my up "that was amazingggggg" he shouts, I laugh. He puts me down and I jump on his back, "to the bar" I say and he runs to the bar with me on his back, Tori is running after us laughing.
The bar man looks at us weirdly but then laughs, "can I get 2 coronas please mate" Danny says and tries to get his money out of his pocket, "here you go you can have it for free because that performance was amazing" he says.
"Awww thank you Alex" I say reading his name badge.
I get down off Danny's back and feel someone tap my shoulder, "bro" they say, I turn around and see my best friend Shannon beveridge.
"Shannon!!" I say and hug her. "Hiiii, cammie is over there as well, we were desperate to see you" Shannon says pointing out cammie.
Cammie makes eye contact with me, and starts running over, "ally" she shouts hugging me, "Camden" I say.

"I thought I should tell you before anyone else does, I just saw Tori kissing another girl" Shannon says, I feel myself getting angry, "I knew that would happen, that's why I haven't let myself fall in love again, so I won't get hurt" I say. I look around and see her coming over to us, "hi baby" Tori says hugging me, "Tori go home, I've just seen you cheating on me, go home, we're over" I say angrily.
"No baby please I'm drunk please" she says holding my hands, "Tori your not drunk, you have had one glass of champagne, now go" I say, I watch as she sighs and then walks away.

"Let's get drunk"  I say to everyone.

I fall asleep on the floor.

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