Hold On (Jace x Reader)

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"Why do you treat me like I'm a kid?" You yelled out at Jace. You two were fighting again. Yes sibling fight but you two seemed to put a different meaning to it lately. You guys couldn't even breath the same air without an argument breaking out.

"Because you're a kid Y/N"

"I'm only a year younger then you Jace" You huffed out, crossing your arms. Jace rolled his eyes at your actions. Jace may be the older sibling but he always acted like the youngest, especially now with that Fray girl in the picture.

"A year means a lot"

"You're the one making rash decisions to please some girl" You shouted getting sick of Jace's attitude. He seem cool and collected until you brought Clary into the mixed then his attitude changed.

"Don't make this about her" Jace took a step towards you, his fist were tightly together by his side. He was angry from your words which rarely ever happened.

"Why not? Literally everything you do now involves her. All of these secrets missions that almost get you killed are for her! Jace just open your eyes see where this is going" Jace just shook his head and spoke

"You wouldn't understand you're too young"

"Here we go again" You said rolling your eyes. It was a habit that you picked up from your best friend Alec. "Well how about this? Since I'm too young to understand why don't you? I'm smarter Jace, I care about my life unlike you." With that you turned on your heel leaving the room, not wanting to stay. Not knowing what you would do if your anger got out of hand.

You punch the bag trying to get all of the anger out of your body. You couldn't think straight knowing Jace was gone out with Clary again. What if something happened to him this time? Jace was the only family you had left no matter what. If something went wrong you would not only lose your brother but best friend. With everything going through your mind you didn't even hear Alec entered the room until he touched your shoulder. Not knowing who it was you whipped around and sent a punch flying their way. Luckily enough Alec saw it coming and had a chance to step back.

"You know not to sneak up on anyone Alec especially shadowhunters" You huffed with your arms crossed, trying to get your breathing back to normal from the fright he gave you.

"I thought you heard me, I called your name but obviously not" Alec said as he rolled his eyes at you, then handed you a water bottle.

"You think" You drown the water bottle in seconds not really noticing how thirsty you were until it met your lips. "What is it anyway?"

"We got to go help Jace and Clary they need some backup" You shouldve known as Alec was wearing his gear and his arrows bag was on his shoulder but you didn't.

"Why does this not surprise me" You let out as you packed your things up. You changed your shirt quickly not caring Alec was in the room since you had did it many times before.

"Ready?" Alec asked and you nodded your head before you two headed out.

Walking into a busy club was not on your plans tonight but Jace needed help and you weren't just going to leave him for himself. You didn't want to send Alec alone there either so this way was the safest. You guys pushed your way through all of the drunk downworlders and mundanes as if you were one. Places like these made the lines that were drawn be easier. No one really cared who you were here. Catching a sight of light come from the back, you knew it was from a seraph blade.

"Alec this way" You shouted trying to be heard above the music. You finally made it with Alec right behind you. Both of you steady your weapons before you slammed open the door. Alec and you stopped in your tracks when you saw what was happening. There were demons everywhere. Jace and Clary looked so helpless. You wonder how they managed to make it this long. Not wanting to waste anymore time you and Alec started to fight. Taking them down a few at a time brought back hope to Clary and Jace. It was like they suddenly had all of the energy in the world to fight. You were all fighting as hard as you could.

"WATCH OUT" You yelled towards Clary but she didn't hear. You pushed her out of the way from the demon that was coming up from behind her but you weren't so lucky. You must of judged the timing wrong because all you could feel was pain shooting into your veins. It felt like acid and all you could do was fall back. Jace and Alec looked back at the sound of your dreadful screams, their faces turning into straight horror. Jace ran over since Alec could fight the last few. Tears were already falling down his cheeks as he picked you up from the cold ground.

"Hey Y/N, you're going to be alright. Just stay with me" Jace said letting the tears fall onto your clothes as he held you. He pushed back some of your hair that now laid on your face. Jace was staring at his little sister and all he could think was this was his fault. Only if he had stayed back like you wished. Your words kept coming back to his mind

"I care about my life unlike you"

Your life that Jace might have ruined. Jace took out the sphere from his pocket to burn over your iratze runes but it didn't work. You could barely see now, all you could feel was the pain. It was getting worse by the second and all you wanted to do was rest.

"Jace" You said lifting your hand up to hold his cheek. Your skin colour was getting paler "It's hurts too much"

"I know, you can make it" You shook your head no at Jace's response, you knew what was going to happened. "You can make it, don't doubt yourself"

"Jace please.. Just.." Your eyes were getting heavier and you could barely speak "Be happy" And with that your eyes shut and the pain faded away from your body.

"NO! NO" Jace shouted shaking your body wanting to get a respond. But nothing happened, you didn't move.

"Jace" Alec said placing a hand on his shoulder, with tears in his own eyes. His best friend just die in front of him.

"We got to get her to the Silent Brothers" Jace said quickly looking up at his parabatai but Alec just shook his head. It was too late, there never would of been time.

"No Jace. It's over"

"It can't be" Jace voice cracked and all he could do was cried holding your body. "She can't be gone. Not my little sister" Alec sat down on the ground next to him, wrapping a hand around Jace for comfort. Clary watched from afar knowing that she was partly to blame for this, she didn't know what to think anymore. This whole world was too much. Jace cried and it started to rain. Like some kind of stupid movie you would always make him watch. He wasn't a big brother anymore, you the only family he had left was gone. Why didn't he listen to you? He cost his baby sister her life. He knew he could never forgive himself. The thought that in a few hours he would be seeing all white made him sick. He knew then that it would really hit. You were gone.

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