2- Tears

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- Levi ? Are you crying ?

- Four - Four eyes ? he asked, regaining hope.

He smiled, and his face lit up before the loving look that his sweet Hanji gave her from behing her glasses. Those glasses... that cream-colored shirt... it was her, beyond doubt. He grabbed her by her messy ponytail and pulled her close to him.

- Hey ! she teased. Easy there, Shorty.

- I... I dreamed.. that you were dead... I... I really thought... it was so real... never again, you hear me, Shitty Glasses ?

- Ha ! How could I die with Humanity's Strongest by my side to protect me ? she laughed.

She stuck out her tongue in a funny way and grabbed her by the collar of his shirt.

- Kiss me already, Corporal !

Levi leaned over the bed and pressed his lips against hers. It was so good to feel her near him... He placed his hands over the squad leader's hips, felt her breath fastening and...

A new tear ran down his cheek and landed on the sheets. Immediately, Hanji pulled away.

- Are you still crying ? Am I that dirty ? What is it with you this morning ?

- I - I don't know... I...

This time it was entire rivers that poured from his eyes ; he grabbed his head between his hands and screamed desesperately.

- I... I feel that...

- Le... Levi ? Hanji called, panicked.

But her beautiful brow - almost golden - eyes were already becoming transparents, and soon she faded away, and the entire room with her.

Desperately alone || LeviHanWhere stories live. Discover now