Chapter 5

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I am so excited guys! Tomorrow is my birthday, and I am turning 14. But enough about me, lets get to the story!

All night I dreamt about Niall. Crazy right? The dream were, well they were, they were something I guess. I dreamt about our childhood, and him leaving for the X-Factor, and stuff these pass few days. But I won't bore you with my dreams.

I woke up the my mother calling for me. Then our conversation from last night came into mind. 

"Hannah Jones! Get out of bed or you will be late for school!" Mum said

I got out of bed, and got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, and put little makeup on. Its the last week of school, I don't need to look my best right? 

"Hannah, don't make me come up there." Mum said again

I opened my door and went downstairs. I saw my mum at he bottom of the stairs, with a very big frown on her face. She was not happy on bit.

"When I tell you to get up and come downstairs, I mean get up and come downstairs. Not sit up there and ignore me." Mum said

"I was just getting up and getting ready for school. Its Monday and I don't want to go to school in my pj's." I said

"Well maybe you should have gotten up without me telling you to. Now hurry up and get to school or you will be late. There is no need to be late to school, especially since its the last week of school." Mum said

"Well I am so happy since its the last week of school. The sooner school is done, the sooner I go on tour with Niall." I said

"Don't bring up that Niall kid. I still don't like the idea of you going on tour with him. Now go!" Mum said

And with that I left. 

I don't see why she doesn't like him. But it doesn't matter to me. As long as I like him, well I don't know. Her opinion doesn't effect who I like and dislike. 

I walked to school, and when I got there I went to my locker. I grabbed all my materials even though we aren't really do anything in class, and went to first period. When I got there, I went to my seat which is end the back of the room, and started talking with my friends. I don't know if you know, but my friends are amazing. Before Niall went to the X-Factor, he was my only friend. No one else talked to me. He had friends that sometimes talked to me, but not often. When he left, I sat alone. His friends didn't even say hey to me, not even one word. Till I guess my new friends came. I guess they saw me alone all the time. I guess you could say the took pity on me. But they told me that they didn't have many friends to talk to either.  I haven't told u their names have I? Mackenzie and Jacie. Love them dearly. The teacher came in the class and we started right away. Well we didn't really do anything but whatever.

By the end of the day, I went to my locker, and and put my materials away, and headed over to Niall's. 

I got to Niall's and knocked on the door. I heard footsteps, well running footsteps, and the door opened and I saw Niall. 

"Hey school out already? Maybe one day, I should come see everyone, I think a few of my friends miss me." NIall said

"Well not many people talk about you. Excepts for some girls who love you and the boys since you guys are famous." I said

"Haha, true I guess. SO do you want to come in?" Niall asked

"Yeah sure." I said

We walked inside and we went to the living room, so I could put my bag down. Then we went to the kitchen to get some food. We grabbed lots of food and went back to the living room and watched some tv. Nothing was really on so we just stuck with the news, and talked throughout the whole thing. Then it came around diner time, so I left to go home. 

I walked home, and went inside. I was starving, even though I had a lot to eat at Niall's. 

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum. This might not be good. And you would know. I guess every time I get home, and walk in here, mm is here. Then we have a argument, I go to bed, and get up the next morning for school. Man hopefully my life isn't going to be like his forever. That would be a boring life. Lets hope it doesn't happen everyday.

"Why are you home so late? Were you with that Niall kid?" Mum asked me

"Um its not that late being as I home before dinner, and yes I was with Niall at his place." I said

"What were you doing over there?" Mum asked

"We watched TV, and ate some food." I said

"Okay." She said

And that was it. Nothing more happened. Nothing. She got up and left the room, and she was perfectly calm. It was weird. 

I went over to the fridge to eat something, since I am hungry. There wasn't much so I just made a sandwich. I went up to my room and grabbed a book to read. Then my phone went off in my pocket, so I pulled it to see that it was a text from Niall. 

From Niall:

Come over to my house for a quick minute. I have something to ask you. 

I smiled so I replied saying that I would, and went downstairs and walked out the door, then my mum called me back inside. I walked back inside to see her looking very mad. Now this is going to be a while.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked

"Niall asked me to come over for minute since he wants to ask me a question." I said

"He can text you the question. You have school tomorrow. So no going out late." She said

"Mom its only 6:00. Its not late, I am going to Niall's anyway, he said it would be a minute. Don't worry, I have my phone in-case anything happens." I said

"Fine go. " She said

I walked out of the house again with a smile on my face. I wonder what Niall has to ask me.

I got to his house, and knocked on the door. Niall cam running to answer the door. 

"Hey Niall, what did you want to ask me?" I asked

"Um I was wondering, well ummmm. We have been best friends since I could remember. And I know I left, and didn't keep in touch, but I wasn't allowed to talk to any of my friends. But I was wondering if you would want to go out with me? As in, will you like to be my girlfriend?" Niall asked


Haha, cliffhanger. You guys won't get an update till maybe Tuesday, or Thursday. Since tomorrow I have practice, then Tuesday I am going to the mall for my birthday, then Wednesday I have practice. SO yeah, busy week I guess. So, have fun wondering if Hannah says yes or no. 

And please vote/comment. I want to know how I am doing, so I know if I should keep writing or not. Comment if you have any suggestions, I am open to suggestions. Have a good night girls. 

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