Chapter 11

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Hannah's P.O.V

We are now heading off the London! This is going to be so exciting! Going on tour with my boyfriend should be a lot of fun. Yeah, waking up early won't be fun, but as long as I am with him, I'll be fine. 

We have about another 10 minutes till we get to London. (A/N: I don't know how long it takes to get from Ireland to London. I don't think it takes too long, so I just made it up.) Niall is asleep. I don't know why he fell asleep. Its not like we were going to be on the plane that long. But this is Niall Horan I guess. 

I am looking out the window. I absolutely love the view. I didn't think something could look so beautiful. (A/N:I have never been on a plane before. So I don't know how the view would look.) After several minutes of looking out the window, I heard the loud speaker say that we would be landing in about 5 minutes. And that we should make sure everything is packed away, and to buckle up when we closer to our destination. I then decided to wake up Niall. 

"Niall babe, its time to wake up." I said as I poked his cheek. He didn't even move. So I tried again.

"Niall, we are almost to London." I said again, this time he moved very little. So I tried once again.

"Niall." I said kissing him. "You." I then kissed him on his neck. "Need to wake up." I said while trying to give him a hickey. He then woke up. 

"Were you trying to give me a hickey while I was sleeping." He asked winking

"I succeeded at giving you that hickey. And if you had woken up the first time, I wouldn't have done that." I said

"OY! I wasn't complaining about the hickey. I actually find it quite hot. But I guess I should make sure not to wake up the first time you try to wake me up." He said smirking. 

"Next time you don't wake up, I will make sure I do much worse." I said

"What would you do?" He asked

"I'm not telling you." I said

"And why's that?" He asked leaning closer to me.

"Because I don't want to." I said leaning even closer so that my lips were brushing his. 

When we were about to kiss, the seat belt sign comes on. Niall gives me a quick kiss on my lips, before he quickly puts his stuff away, and buckling up. And I do the same.


We finally get off the plane. It took forever. People were walking so slow. I swear I will go insane if I have to go through this all summer long while on tour with the boys. 

We get to baggage claim, and claim our stuff. Then looking around for the other 1D members. I barely know what they look like. Even if I did, Niall said I wouldn't notice them because they would in shades and hoodies, making sure they aren't noticed by their amazing fans. 

"UGH! Where are they?" Niall ask

I look around, seeing if I could find 4 boys in shades and hoodies. I couldn't seem to find them.

"Why don't you call them?" I ask

"I guess I could." He says while pulling out his phone.

He puts his phone up to his ear, waiting for someone to pick up. A minute later, and puts his phone away.

"No one picked up?" I asked

"No. It went to voice-mail." He says

"Well, why don't we go outside. Maybe they are just getting here." I say

Niall nods and starts walking towards the door. I try to keep up with him, but he has longer legs and there are so many people. I do mange to keep up with him. 

We walk outside, and look around. Nothing but people. I see Niall bring his phone to his ear again, probably calling them again. 

"Hey! Where are you?" He ask whoever is at the end of the line.

The person replies, but I can't make out what is being said.

"Well, we are outside the airport. When will you get here?" He ask

"K good! I'm so hungry!" He says and I laugh. When isn't Niall hungry?

Niall looks over at me and smiles. I give him a smile back, and look towards the road looking at the cars go by, hoping to leave this airport soon being as I'm hungry as well. I look over at Niall, and he puts his phone away.

"When will someone be here?" I ask

"In a minute Liam said." He says

As I look towards the road again, I see a black car pull up. The window rolls down, and I see a head  pop out that has curly hair and a cheeky smile.

"Why hello there! I'm Harry." He says giving me a smirk.

"I'm Hannah." I say

"Nice to meet you." He says

"Likewise." I say

Niall and I get in the car, and I see 3 other boys. One has many tattoos on his right arm. Another is wearing a striped shirt, and another with a plaid shirt on. (A/N: I have them as their younger selves.) They all look at me. Till the one with the plaid shirt speaks. 

"HI! I'm Liam!" He says giving me his hand to shake. I shake it. Noticing he has very soft hands.

"Hannah." Is all I say

"Well nice to meet you Hannah, I'm Louis!!!" Yelled Louis.

"And I'm Zayn." Says Zayn.

"Nice to meet you guys!" I say

"SO long have you guys been dating?" Ask Harry with his cheeky smile.

"We have been dating for a few weeks." Says Niall, looking over at me with a big smile. I smile back.

"Where did you guys meet?" Liam asks

"Well we have known each other since we were little kids. We lived on the same street, and our parents knew each other." I say

"How come we never heard about you then?" ask Louis

"Well, I couldn't talk to her or anyone after we became One Direction." Says Niall looking upset. 

"Ohhh, that sucks. At least you guys are together now." Zayn says

"Yeah." I say looking at Niall. 

"I'm very happy that we are together." I say giving Niall a quick kiss on the lips. He smiles.

I look away from him and look at the boys who look amused. Till Louis yells

"Stop making googly eyes at each other while we are here!! And no making out either. YUCK! Peasants!" He says looking away disgusted. I laugh, and so do the rest of the boys. I already know that I'm going to have a good summer with these boys. 

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