chapter 4

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I’m so sorry that I haven’t uploaded in almost a month but between spring break, RYLA camp, and the ACT I haven’t had much time. I will try and load one chapter a week at least. Please read the note at the end.





Ariel’s POV

“Wow! I don’t think we will be able to get in, look at the line.” pointing to the line of people standing around the clubs as we walked across the street. Man, I was really ready for a care free night and not thinking about the man who is not to be named.

“Don’t worry, we are getting in. Follow me.” pulling us up to the front of the line and getting a lot of glares on the way before we stopped in front of a man who I wouldn’t want to mess with.

“Hi Joe, is Mark here tonight?”

“Hey Jessica, yeah he is in his office in the back. You two go right in.” unclipping the rope and opening the door letting Part of Me by Katy Perry float out to the street.

“Thanks Joe, see you later.”

As we started walking into the club the smell of alcohol engulfed me, while the music helped my muscles relax. Dancing has always been my outlet and tonight seems to be no different.

“How did you get us in here?” trying my best to bring my voice over the music.

“My brother owns the club and lets me come whenever I need to get away.” Jessica answered just as loud, while still dragging us towards the back of the club. Walking through a door at the back the loud music turning into only a faint hum, and brought us into a short hallway that had another door at the end.

“Ummm… Jess where are we going? I thought we came here to dance.” wanting to get back to the party in the other room.

“Don’t worry we will go have fun in a few minutes, I just need to go see my brother.” bringing us to a stop right in front of the door before knocking.

After a few seconds the door opened to show a incredibly sexy guy. He had dark hair like Jess and a toned body and his shirt showed his eight pack. I had to stop myself from drooling. Even though he was very sexy he still wasn’t as hot as Logan, but just barely.

“Jessica, its nice to see my favorite sister.” giving her a playful smile.

“You seem to have forgotten that im your only sister.” playing along with him.

“O yeah, I forgot. So what bringing you here my lonely and only sister?”

“Well, Ariel and I just wanted to come and dance. This is Ariel by the way, and Ariel this is my brother Mark.” pointing from me to Mark and vise versa.

“Its nice to meet you Ariel.” shaking my hand as his eyes scanned over my body, making my blush when his eyes meet mine and gave me a wink.

“Same here.” taking my hand back.

“Well!” Jessica clapping her hands together “ lets go and dance Ariel, are you coming Mark?”.

“Maybe later, I have to finish a couple things here.”

“Ok, see you later” snipping on her heels Jess grabbed my hand before we started to make our way down the hallway again. Looking back towards Marks office I see him, standing where we left him, smiling at me before turning and going back in his office.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2012 ⏰

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