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"Maaaaan! I miss Pastabilities' pizza, so much better than this gross pizza." Mae said as she it her slice, ever since Pastabilities had closed the gang had to go to the Clik Clak for pizza but at least Pastabilities became a taco joint. "Well atleast it's better than having no pizza here Mae." Bea huffed out with her arms crossed. "Besides we aren't here for the pizza...I guess, we're here to 'hang out' as Gregg would say." She puffed smoke freely. "Uh Bea I thought there was no smoking allowed here." "Tch...whatever."

Gregg and Angus finally walked in holding eachother's hand and waved to the girls. "Hey Mae! Hey Bea!" Gregg yelled out while Angus just waved, both girls waved back and made some room for the couple, thankfully the Clik Clak had some comfy furniture and a nice atmosphere. "So Mae how's the laptop, I thought I gave you a flash drive to help get rid if those adds." "I know! I can't help it though, it's really weird some people find that stuff entertaining but curiosity killed my laptop again so thanks...again." The whole gang was silent but Bea managed to break the silence.

"So you two, how's stuff? Finished packing yet to get out of this crap town?" The croc asked bluntly with a slice of pizza in hand. "Well it's doing great, we managed to get the couch and bed out first to get things out of the way." Angus said while drinking a water he brought on the way, "Yeah it was really heavy to! Like the time when me and Mae had to carry our child from the basement from the abandoned building!" Gregg said leaning comfortably on his boyfriend's shoulder looking up with a smile on his face.

Angus looked down at him and returned the gesture and kisses his snout, Gregg gasped and stuck his tongue out like a goofball. The two kept on fooling around with eachother while the girls are watching, Mae having her paws on her face smiling like a nerd, Bea snorted while eating her slice. Gregg and Angus seemed to be perfect for each other, even with their faults they know how to help each other with them and made sure that one is happy and safe. Angus eventually kissed Gregg on the lips earning a little purr from the fox, Gregg kissed Angus back but still had his lips on his then the next thing you know...a make out session, they forgot that they had guests looking...well Mae covering her eyes.

"Would you two get a room please? Last time I saw you make out was...I don't know." The cat said as she acted like a child when her parents kissed. Bea didn't mind them kissing but unless it got all touchy touch touch she knows she has to stop them, the two stopped making out and cuddled with eachother with a blush on their faces. "Love you bug." "Love you too Cap'n, even more than this pizza."

"Bea are they done making out? I can't see nothing but darkness." Bea sighed "Yeah they're done Mae, jeez it's just kissing." Taking another slice, "Shush mortal, you don't know me." Mae said playfully while eating her 3rd slice, "At least they make kissing more romantic than those cheap and simple romance comedy movies." "Yeah...your right on that one Bea, they make romance...well romantic!" Bea only snorted at Mea's response with a little smile she had on.

The gang had a great time hanging out like they use to in high school and it felt nostalgic. Mae remembers when she and Bea first became friends in school...time goes by quick, Gregg remembered taking Angus on their first date at Pastabilities while trying not to mess up but it all went great and will always be great as long they all were okay.

(Ugh! *mushu voice* I LIIIIIIIIVE!!! I liked this idea by weirdogal02 gave me but it was kinda meh and I wish I could've done better but lmao I wrote this at 2 in the morning so thats why it probably isn't great but I hope you guys like it though. Author out!)

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