chapter #2

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well after a long time, we finally found a place to park the car, and i sighed, if we had not, then i would have surely died a terrible death at the hands of my best friend. Hurriedly we gathered our things and moved towards the homeroom. when syd collided with a hard wall which turned out to be Cole Warner . It might not have been that bad, if only Cole and Syd were not arch nemesis.

well their enmity went quite back , though syd never mentioned it but i knew ,if she ever had the ability of hating someones with ferocious passion it was Cole. Warner boy was the epitome, of what sydney disliked the most, and the fact that he was cocky about it didn't help.

"Watch where you're going read head ," said Cole cockily.

" well sorry to break it you, but you were the one sucking your girl friend's ridiculous face, if only you had paid attention to anything other than shoving your tongue, down her throat, then you would have probably seen where you were going ," sydney haughtily replied.

The thing about Sydney was she knew how to defend herself, even though she appeared delicate, but she knew how to stand her ground. the ability i wasn't gifted with.If i had been her, i would have murmured something  unrhetorical and apologized, though i would be burning inside out, but i would never grow up the balls to do something about it.

Before Cole could reply sydney bumped him hard and trotted forward and i followed along, she still was fuming but i could see the pride in her eyes, the pride of rendering Cole Warner the school jock was not a second before we burst into the fits of laughter and laughed are asses off as we made to the homeroom.

well homeroom was not really much, i hardly had the time to cram anything when the bell for the first period rang and we made our way to our locker where, Hayley was already waiting for us.

"morning sunshine ", came Hayley's overly gleeful voice.

i exchanged a confused look with Sydney who seemed equally bewildered.

"what's gotten you into this ball of joy?"i asked her confused , as she was never a happy go lucky person, rather all she did was , swear and flip people off.

she must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed, i mentally noted, while pilling my books into my arms.

"what?!! you swept Cole Warner right off his fucking feet , and you ask me what's wrong ", she matter of factly stated.

"Ahh tell me about it ", said sydney flipping hair backwards , in not quite her way.

"Over the moon much?! ", asked hayley teasingly.

"very much", said sydney satisfyingly.

Hayley snorted and i rolled my eyes, but we were proud of her.

we made our way to biology when it occured to me that brook wasn't here.

"Where is Brook by the way? ", said sydney lip sing my thoughts.

"She is off with her fucking minions ,checking if their fucking bums are the right size for their fucking show ", hayley replied, rolling her eyes .

"God hayley, did you forgot to sensor your mouth today?! ", sydney asked incredulously.

Another thing about sydney , she doesn't like swearing until really necessary, and hayley never stops swearing until it is really necessary, so they go along pretty well.

" ya i fucking thought that id fucking make it PG-18 today ", she replied rhetorically stressing on fuck.

" Suit yourself ", replied sydney more to herself then us.

By the time we reached the class it was already packed , i looked around for Brooklyn, but in vain, if it were only up to her, she would hardly ever come to class.period.

By the time the warning bell rang everyone was seated.

"Where do you reckon ,Brook is?", asked sydney turning around.

But before i could answer the question, the queen bee made her appearance all dolled up head to toe, but the smug expression usually masking her face was replaced by a expression of utter fear .Brooklyn Copper. the queen bee of the school and our fourth half.

" where were you ?", i asked her as she took the seat beside me.

" You know, squad, backdrop, i've got work to do ", she replied in her almost fake british accent.i new something was wrong because the only time she talked like this was .when she was once she failed the exam , or when she fell into the gutter.

God that was terrible.

"Fucking told ya " , replied Hayley in her fake british accent , stressing on fuck again, and accent just to annoy the hell out of Syd and brook.

I shot her a look and turned to brook, who was looking at Hayley as if she had lost her marbles.

" You are doing it again ", i addressed Brooklyn who seemed a bit anguished.

" Doing what ? ", she asked avoiding my eye.

"The thing that you do, when you say something else but you mean something else but somehow expect us to understand what you actually meant , but not quite clearly ", Sydney summed everything up.

she looked away but when she turned , her eyes were welled up with tears.

" I'm pregnant " and just like that she dropped the mike.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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