Yahir Danumi/ Huan Hu

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I'm wearing the same ripped, dirty track pants and large black shirt that I have been wearing for the past 3 months.

Hi! I'm Yahir Danumi. I prefer not to go by my last name though. It's my father's last name...well I don't consider him to be my father anymore.

My father abused and raped me since I was only 12 I'm 17 now and ran away from what I can only describe as hell 4 1/2 months ago. I live on the streets now.

When we lived in India it was great there was no abuse and I was super close to my father. I was treated like a princess mostly because I'm a only child. Then my mother died. Since father could not heal in a place that reminds him so much of mother everywhere he looked. We moved to the U.S.A. 

I was only 11 during that move. It was just me and father As the year went on father only got worse and not better. On my 12th birthday after all my party guests went home my father picked me up and carried me to his room to have his sick way with me.

The next day I woke hurting all over and tried to call child help but father hung up the phone and beat me near death and told me never to do that again. I woke up the next day barley able to walk and having one side of my face feel like it's on fire and much worse. Then he came punched me in the face and told me to clean the house till it sparkled. Having been daddy's little princess all my life I barley knew the meaning of the word but tried my best.

It obviously was not good enough because he came home beat me then raped me all the while yelling about the mess. It took a total of 3 days for me to learn how to clean properly and once I did he would still rape me but at least not beat me before hand.

Soon I decided enough was enough and pack a bag full off food a blanket  put on a black tank top, black running shoes and dark green track pants then also brought some more clothes to give others on the street.

I waited an hour after my dad left for work before running away from that house. I soon found a place to stay in a busy city not to far away. I made alliances with other groups of homeless people by giving them the clothes in exchange that they don't rob or hurt me. My tank top ripped in half when some drugged teenage boy tried to rape me but I was saved by one of the groups I have an alliance with. They gave me an oversized  black shirt and gave them my shoes as a thank you than traded my shocks for a place to sleep out of the rain. I have not joined a group and most likely wont.

I could not be happier though. Any life is better than the life I come from. That and the fact that I'm a naturally optimistic person.

Ok a description of me... well I'm very short only 5'3 and have super long dark brown almost black hair that touches my butt. Before I ran away it was silky, glossy and to my waist but now it's coarse, dry and to my butt.

I have big brown eyes with naturally long thick eye lashes. I have honey brown skin that has been a bit pale lately. I'm Indian and have a lot of those stereotypical characteristics.

I'm very skinny. I was skinny before but now it just looks unhealthy. I always have a smile on my face no matter what and I have to say I think I'm really pretty.

There's the physical description now, for personality. I'm very optimistic, hyper, cheerful, childish (oh don't get me started on how childish I am), adorable, smart, dramatic, kind, tender hearted, weak stomached, compassionate, selfless, shy, a hopeless romantic, easily impressed and creative.

Um... yeah I think that's all you really need to know about me! BYE!

Hi I'm Huan Hu. I'm 20 years old and just moved to America from China. I'm adopted and a med school drop out. I never wanted to be a doctor. I have always wanted to be an artist and travel the world but when I told my adoptive parents about these fantasies I got a smack.

To make it even worse they pulled me out of art class and made me take another science class. I graduated at 17 only because my parents are very rich and paid a lot of money.

You know that stereotype that aisan's are super smart? Well that does not apply to me because I was barley pulling a F- in each class. I even dropped so low as to get a R in one of my math classes.

I only got into the best med school in China 2 months later because of my parents money. Even the money was not enough though and they kicked me out before the year was up.

Now 18 I had to deal with all my friends leaving me along with my boyfriend of 3 years. I moved back in with my parents and after a year they got sick of seeing be be unsuccessful and unlike my adoptive siblings and kicked me out.

My big sister took me in for a year before telling me she would give me the rest of the week to find a new place to live. I had called my brother and he refused me. I called some of my old friends and they refused me, finally I called my grandparents that live all the way in America and they agreed to take me in.

I paid for half the trip with the tiny bit of money I have left after med school while my sister paid the rest. She was more than happy to be rid of me.

Ok physical description? I'm pretty tall standing at 5'7 1/2. I have shortish curly black hair with streaks of red that I had artistically put in years ago. My skin is pale as snow with a slight red tint.

I have long slender fingers that make painting and drawing easy and I have practically no butt or boobs. My eyes are a dark brown that sometimes looks light brown in the light. I'm not pretty like my sister but life's not fair so I have to get over it.

Ok no personality. I'm stubborn, a daydreamer, passionate, fiery, pessimistic, polite, untrusting, detached, insecure, dry sense of humor, brutally honest, artistic, always sleepy, lazy, protective, athletic, and caring.

That's enough about me. Good day.

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