
This plane ride is better than I thought it would be. In movies the main character has some random person sleeping on her, there's some annoying kid kicking her seat, the people are staring, there is some ugly smelly dude sitting there right beside you staring.

But no. There is some super cute sexy smelling guy sitting next to me. He is not invading my space, staring or sleeping on me.  Instead he has been rather charming and made me smile and laugh all through the ride which is strange since I'm usually quite shy.

There is no one kicking my seat behind me and everything is great. Even the food was fantastic. Once I got off the plane my bad mood was back.

"HUAN! HUAN OVER HERE!" Oh there are my grandparents. Isn't it funny how they tell you don't talk to strangers than scream your name to the world.

I run over grab my baggage and run to my greatly missed grandparents hugging and kissing them. I greeted them in Chinese and they scolded me "Huan you are in America now. Here we speak English and you fluent in English so I don't want to hear you speaking anymore Chinese."

I nodded and spoke my 3rd language "對不起爺爺奶奶。你好你怎麼樣" (Sorry grandparents. Hello how have you been) I ask while stuffing my bags into the trunk that they gave me no help with. "good good. Now you will be living in the basement it is practically it's own house with a bedroom, family room, kitchen with lots of space for a table, 4 closets, bathroom, laundry room, an area with open space that you can do what you want with and a door that leads outside meaning you and your guest come in through that door. Also that door locks on both sides so you keep your side closed and we keep our side closed. Here is the key to the side door" Grandma says all in one breath before chucking a basic gold key at me.

I could not believe a home all to myself! "所以,我可以粉刷牆壁?(So can I paint the walls?)" I asked excitedly "I don't care what you do there as long as you fix it back to how it is now before you leave." Grandpa says with a grin before returning all concentration to the road "we have wanted to rent out the basement for ages now and who better to have there than our favourite grandchild?" she winks at me.

I grin back "BUT- there is a but" grandpa injects "哦總有一個,但 (Oh there is always a but)" grandma grins nudging grandpa playfully "We will give you 2 months to find a job. After those two months are up we want $100 for rent each month" Grandpa says and I light up. "100!?哇。你們一定是真的愛我 ($100!? Wow. You guys must really love me!)" I joked.

"You bet your sweet fanny" joked grandma causing both me and grandpa to turn to her and say in sync "no. just no." she pouts and stomps into her house while grandpa helps me carry the bags to my part of the house.

Once I unlock the door I am astounded by how big it is. I love it already! I turn to my grandpa and thanked him with a hug and kiss. "謝謝爺爺!我喜歡它!(thanks grandpa! I love it!") I shout before running into the house in looking for the bedroom. Once I found it I put my bags in there and left locking up behind me and running over to their front door.

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