Chapter 5

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Jeremy appeared with his mouth agape. "The stable is completely empty."

"That is what you look so astounded about?"

"I would think that a lavish estate such as this would have some help on hand."

"Luke must have left our employ." The minute Cassandra uttered those words; her hands flew to her mouth. Jeremy's eyes seemed to pierce through her soul. "I might as well confess now, Jeremy. I'm not really a serving girl."

"And you are?" he prodded.

"I'm Cassandra Montgomery , the daughter of the Baron and Baroness."

Jeremy's body curved into a flourishing bow. "I am humbled."

"Get up, Jeremy. You've known all along, haven't you?"

"Of course, my dear Miss. You have a certain air about you, the air of one who is high born."


"Yes, do you doubt it somehow>

"Of course not. As long as you know, let's not dawdle out here. We might as well go in and face my parents."

"As you command. Milady."

Jeremy followed Cassandra to the front of the grand estate. She knocked on the door and was greeted by Eliza. "Miss, where have you been? We've been worried about you. Your mother..."

She was cut off by the appearance of the Baroness. "Cassandra, why on earth are you dressed like that?" Her eyes flashed over the man who stood beside her daughter. "And who is this?"

Cassandra got a perverse thrill upon seeing her mother's disgust upon seeing Jeremy beside her. "Mother, please be nice to this man. He rescued me."

"Rescued you from what? Please do come in, the both of you." Her mother shooed the two of them into the house. "Cassandra, this is the most selfish stunt you have pulled yet. It's time...."

Her mother was cut off by the booming voice of her father. "Cassandra, there you are. Do you know how sick you have made our mother?"

"I'm sorry."

"If only that were true," the Baron continued. "I'm afraid we have succeeded in raising a very spoiled daughter." The Baron regarded his daughter with a look of disgust, and then set his gaze upon her companion. "And you are?"

Cassandra and Jeremy exchanged glances, a motion which didn't escape her father's notice. "This is Jeremy."

"Jeremy who?"

"Jeremy Hunt, "

"And how do you come to be standing in this house with my daughter?"

"Father, this man was nice enough to come to my rescue."

"And what did you need to be rescued from?"

"I was traveling back from the Vixen Inn, when my horse suddenly gave out."

"And this chap just happened to be traveling along?"

"Yes, that's exactly what happened," Cassandra agreed.

The Baron studied Jeremy carefully. "Hmmm," he said, but then fell silent. "Then you are welcome to come in. My wife will have the cook brew up some tea and crumpets."

"That is very kind of you, Baron."

The Baroness led the group to the parlor. "Please sit," she invited.

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