Samurai's Sword

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 Part 1~  The Female Samurai

In the middle of the forest somewhere

"Freakin' bandits." This happens almost every day; I'm so tired of it. I usually travel through the woods as a shortcut to get from town to town. I'm sort of like a merchant, but its only to make a living.

"N-no sir please forgive us!" Really? Begging for mercy now? I'm really annoyed.

I dropped my katana on his head." Opps my hand slipped" The man died instantly. But now I'm upset. I just got my katana cleaned and now its coated with blood. Ew.

I. . .I hear something strange. A heavy object made a compact with me and I found myself on the ground.

"I will allow you to choose, fast and easy or slow and painful." A voice said. A female voice.

"What! Neither!" Her katana stabbed deep into the ground next to my head." You crazy chick!" \

I kicked her off and jumped up. I quickly pulled myself together. She was some distance away from me holding her cheek.

"Ehhh" My voice was uneasy, I had my hand ready to pull out my katana but, she isn't doing anything.

"Very well, come, you will follow me." Her voice was calm and straight forward.

"W-what no!" She's crazier than I thought!

She lifted her head and narrowed her eyes."Would you rather die?" At that my heart jumped. "C-coming." I sighed.

Me and her both knew that she was stronger than me. It's not like I constantly trained to become a samurai, I just did it protect myself from other idiots.

She started to walk away and I followed in the same distance as before. "Where are we going?"




"No, why bring me"

"Even more Reasons"

This was the most awkward conversation that I've had in years.

"Even if you did know my reasons you would still have to follow me, Pet". . . Did she just call me, Pet?

"I'm no pet the name is Ryoto thank you! Besides humans can't be pets." She suddenly stopped. I copied.

"I suppose not" She turned around, barley smiling revealing a soft crimson eye.

Of course I don't like this, following some lunatic chick around who calls humans pets, but this was exciting I'm excitedly scared. Being a merchant not a lot of things happens. I don't travel far to see the real beauty of this country, so nothing really happens.

It started getting late out, I was bored, and my feet were killing me. I'm not used to walking so far.

Maybe I could start up a conversation. (yeah right)

"Um if I'm a pet what am I?" It doesn't hurt to know what she thinks right?


Out of everything else she chooses a dog. I don't even like dogs, at all! All i've seen them do was pee and chase (But its pretty funny). I don't completely hate them they just annoy me.

She started hopping to the top of a tree. She was fast. Is that how she fell on me?

"Hey what are you. . ."  She sat down on a thick branch.

"You are tired, are you not. We'll rest here for the night"

In the woods! I'm not really  an outdoors person. I sighed.

I guess she could tell how puzzled I was.

"Did Pet ever climb trees as a child?"I sat down below the tree. Well I'm dead meat. I can't even climb trees its safer to sleep up there. Nothing in my childhood is really worth talking about. So I dodge the question.

"You won't tell me anything else, then tell me your name"


"Well Chiyoko did you know its illegal for females to become samurais." It was never common for women to become samurais in the first place. But if you did you were to be executed. This law seemed pointless to me, if a woman was stubborn enough to become a samurai why would you think a stupid law would stop them. But Chiyoko was the first female samurai i've seen in a long time.

"I know that very well. Now silence yourself, I need rest." 

The next morning

I'm currently picking up some herbs and other materials that I can sell. But I bet Chiyoko might be upset to find me not there.But its OK because I figured it now. I'll have to go back to her.

When I got back to the tree. Chiyoko was standing around moving slowly. Even Samurais are sluggish in the morning. I stepped on a twig and she quickly looked my direction. Her look startled me

"If you needed help with something you could have just asked." I said tilting my head up. She looked confused and tired.

"You dragged me out here to help you, didn't you?" At that she completely turned around." But you seemed persistent so I will offer my help to you, just treat me fair" I said sternly.

Her faced was blank then she made a small smile." I see Pet isn't that stupid. Though, I won't tell you why we're traveling" I guess this worked out fine. But I'm saying that not knowing what I'm getting myself into.

This was the short beginning of Samurai's Sword I hope you've enjoyed it so far feel free to comment

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