Adjusting to the 2000's-(Steve Rogers)

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You are a S.H.E.I.L.D agent assigned to help Captain Steve Rogers to adjust to modern day society and technologies. Steve had only just woken up in S.H.E.I.L.D's fake hospital and been chased into the center of New York by the organization, you being previously decided to be hisP.A. and housekeeper.

You held out your hand in greeting.
"{u} {uln}, Captain Rogers. I'll be helping you adjust to the 21st century." He looked at you, a small smile of appreciation gracing his gorgeous face. He shook your hand.
"A pleasure agent {uln}. I'm glad there's someone to help me with all...." He looked around at the S.H.I.E.L.D vehicles surrounding him and the Big Apple's high rising buildings.
"....this." He looked back at you sheepishly, embarrassed of his inability to find a better term.
"Yes. I ought to get you to where you'll be staying for the meantime." You put your hand on his shoulder, guiding him away from the center of the road and prompting him to tear his gaze away from the city surrounding him.
"I'll be staying with you in one of S.H.I.E.L.D's residencies until you've been deemed fit to live alone." You continued as he followed you to one of the vehicles blocking the rush hour traffic in order to help the newly thawed Captain.
You'd been driving for a while before he finally started talking.
"So, I've been sleeping for seventy years, we won the war and this... Nick, character has assigned you to help me figure out the rest. Right?" You looked at him.
"Yup, you seem to catch on quickly. I guess I won't have a problem getting you up to speed." He chuckled; a beautiful sound you'd be hearing a lot of, as it turns out, in the time you'd be helping him.
"Let's hope so, I never was the best student." He smiled at you.
"I suppose we'll have to see how well your teacher explains modern politics. Something I'm only aware of because my job requires it." You shrugged. He shook his head laughing.
"Well, welcome home Captain." You opened the door to the medium sized apartment decorated in typical 40's fashion.
"Wow. Indoor decorating hasn't changed very much." He stepped in, admiring all the detail used to help make him feel at home.
"Oh it has. We just decided it'd be better to have a home that looked familiar, so you have a place of comfort in this new and strange world." You set down the keys and your hand bag on the kitchen table before slipping your feet out of your three inch black pumps and sliding them under one of the chairs around the table.
"So." You turned around to see Steve still admiring the open plan kitchen and lounge.
"...and this is your bedroom. We got some of the clothing essentials for you, but I've been given a budget for when you want to buy something more to your taste." He held a teal shirt that was two sizes too small against himself. His gaze went from the shirt to you and back to the shirt. You laughed.
"Which I can see will be happening sooner than my colleagues who bought that expected." He turned the shirt around and looked at it from an arm's length.
"You think?" He teased.
"No, no no no. You're supposed to say 'ya think'. It sounds more sassy." You put your one hand on your hip and snapped a 'z' in the air with the other. Now that is sass. You both laughed on the way to the kitchen.
"As far as I can remember, there's a pre made meal for tonight and then I'll need to figure out what I'm cooking from tomorrow onwards." You rummaged through the fully stocked fridge.
"I could cook if you'd like." Steve offered concern in his voice.
"No need, I've been cooking supper for myself almost everyday for three years. Now where is that darn... Ha! Found you!" You pulled a cling-filmed dish of honey mustard chicken fillets with fluffy white rice out of the fridge.
"That looks delicious, I've only just realized how hungry I am." Steve said, marveling at his first taste of proper unrationed food in who knows how long.
"Mhhmhh, sure does. It'll take a few minutes to reheat though. I saw a bag of apples in there if you're that hungry." You responded  unwrapping your supper and putting it in the microwave.
"No, I'd like my first meal after the war to be a proper, unspoiled one." You chuckled at his adorable mock determined face.
"Okay. You're the one with abs of steel. I'm not going to argue with those." You poked him in the abdomen. He leapt back releasing a Yelp like giggle.
"Wait, are you ticklish? Is Captain freaking America freaking ticklish?!" Another jab to the stomach proved the unthinkable. That's such a compromising weakness!
"Are you?" He asked eyebrows raised playfully.
"No no no no no no no no hahahahaha....." He jabbed you in the ribs, unleashing a litter of kitten giggles from your petite frame. And so the tickle fight began. You were the first to end up on the floor, pulling the super soldier down next to you on the lounge carpet. You two were rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter, you trying to stop his jabs to your stomach and ribs, and him crying from laughing so much at your kitten giggles and walrus cackles.
"Ok...ok....ok..I give up." You panted.
"You win, Rogers." You were both trying to stop laughing and catch your breath when the timer on the microwave went off. You managed to stand, eventually.
"Alright, that's enough for now. I thought you said you were hungry?" You held out your hand to help him up.
"Hungry? Please, I'm starving!" He grabbed your hand and pulled himself up. You chuckled.
"Then lets EAT!" You grabbed a towel off the stove top to get the hot food from the microwave. He snatched the towel straight out your hands and stuck his tongue out at you as he proceeded to try and fail to open the microwave door. You laughed and pressed the, clearly labeled, open door button. He responded with a 'hmf', a pout and stuck his nose in the air as he used the towel to take the steaming hot food out of the microwave.
"Oh, well done Captain Rogers. You've successfully taken a dish of food out of the microwave and placed it on the counter top. Well done." You proceed to slow clap sarcastically as he did jazz hands and bowed; but what happened next, you did not expect at all. He threw his hands in the air before bringing them down to wrap around you and lift you off the ground in an, almost bone crushing, hug. He spun around the kitchen, still holding you with your arms pinned to your sides.
"'re excited." Your voice was filled with shock. What the hell was he doing? He put you down and continued to look in cupboards and draws for cutlery and crockery, acting as if nothing had happened.
"Okaaayy? I'm now very confused." You looked at him skeptically.
"Now why would the extremely intelligent agent {u} {uln} be confused." He looked at you, innocence plastered all over his face. You shook your head in mock disappointment. He chuckled as you helped him dish up your first meal together.
"I've got a few paperwork assignments I need to get done in the next few weeks. They should keep me busy while you're reading up on what you've missed. Speaking of which..." He looked up at you from his plate that he'd been silently staring at for a while.
"Would you prefer for me to catch you up from after you crashed to the present or from now back to when you started your nap?" You asked teasing slightly.
"Um...then to now, that way, if anything comes up you don't have to keep going back to the present to add on what's happened." He gave you a small, distracted smile. You nodded, understanding his distanced mind.
You ate the last forkful of rice on your plate.
"Right, I'm going to shower. You can put your plate next to the sink with mine when you're done. See you in a bit." You stood from your place at the kitchen table, picking up your empty plate and pushing in your chair.
"...say what you wanna say, na na na na na na, honestly, I wanna see you be brave..." You sang softly to yourself as you walked into your bedroom to get changed into your pajamas. "...with what you wanna say, and let the words fall out, honestly I wanna see you be brave, I just wanna see you, I just wanna see you, I just wanna see you, I wanna see you be brave." There was a knock on your door.
"{u}? I'd like to ask you something. Are you decent?" It was Steve's voice, shy and vulnerable.
"Just give me a sec." You slipped on your track pants and sweatshirt.
"Ok, done." He slowly opened the door, his face was full of confusion.
"What's wrong?" You sat on your bed looking at his sad expression. He sat next to you, resting his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. You put your hand on his back comfortingly.
",....I'm just trying to get my head around all this...all my friends are gone...everywhere I used to go out is either closed down and refurbished or childhood home is gone and different...everything is so different." He sighed. You started rubbing his back.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure some of your friends are still around, and you'll be surprised how long some of the Brooklyn restaurants have been open for. I'm here to help you through this. WE can do this. It's going to be fine, trust me." You rest your head on his shoulder comfortingly, giving him a sideways hug.
And that's when the tears started to fall.
You heard his muffled sobs, which caused your own tears to appear silently.
"It's okay. It will be alright. We'll get through this, Steve. We can do can do this." He turned towards you, eyes red, tears staining his cheeks.
"I...I just." He sighed and tears started falling again. You pulled him into a comforting hug, rubbing his back up and down, whispering encouragement. He wrapped his massive arms around your small waist and dug his face into the crook of your neck.
"I'm scared {u}." He confessed in a small whisper.
"I know, so am I. But we can and are going to get through this...together. Okay? You're not alone. I'm right here." You answered honestly.
You stayed there in each other's arms for a while as the tears slowly stopped falling.
"{u}?" Steve shifted his head off your shoulder slightly.
"Yes?" He lifted his head, turning to face you, his eyes looking down. You put your hand on his cheek and gently wiped his tears. His gaze found yours.
" You said you were scared." He looked at you for confirmation. You nodded.
"Why? What are you scared of?" You left his gaze sighing and sliding your hands into your crossed legs. He put his hands on your shoulders.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He apologized. A sad smile crossed your face.
"Being an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D puts my life at risk. I have information about people who aren't particularly fond of my superiors. I recently blew one of my covers with Hydra. They're sure to be after me soon if not already." You looked into his sympathetic eyes.
"But that's not what I'm scared of, I'm scared of who they'll send after me. I could easily take on one of their assassins or gunman. But there's a rumor, a legend if you will, of a highly trained, physically and mentally enhanced, ruthless, master killing machine. He's been around for decades and is still as young as he was when he started. He has no emotion, no soul, no past, no family, not even a name. He's referred to as the Winter Soldier by the few in the intelligence community who believe he exists. He's a ghost, everything I've told you, that's all S.H.I.E.L.D knows about him; and we have some of the best hackers and infiltrators in the world." You shivered at the thought.
"Enhanced." He muttered.
"Is that all you got from what I just said?" You chuckled.
"Does S.H.I.E.L.D know about any Hydra scientists taking in people to experiment on?" He asked, fiery determination in his eyes.
"I'm sure there are plenty of human enhancement files in the Hydra filing cabinet, but that's not our immediate concern. You just worry about catching up. I'm sure I can figure the rest out myself. I am a secret agent after all." He chuckled.
"True, if ever you need help sifting through those documents....let me know." He looked at you, he wanted confirmation that if anything happened you wouldn't hesitate to ask for his help. You nodded.
"Thank you, Steve. I really appreciate your concern. It's not often someone is willing to help me. You know, before I've saved their lives, and them mine, a few times." He pulled you into a nice warm hug. You hugged him back, finding comfort in his arms. You wrapped your arms around him, wishing the moment wouldn't end.
He slowly pulled back only to cup your face with his hands and wipe away tears you didn't realize you'd shed. You sat there, eyes locked, emotions stirring, so close, but something preventing either of you from making the obvious next move. He glanced at your lips. You smiled, cocking your head to the side slightly and leaning back to stand up. You didn't know what made you do that, but you felt it was the right thing to do, given the fact that both of you were swimming in a pool of mixed and confusing emotions.
"Coffee?" You offered. He nodded with a smile.
"" He stared at the coffee machine. You put your hands in the air wiggling your fingers.
"Magic." You said mysteriously. You both laughed, heading to the table coffee in hand.
"So, what's the first thing you'd like me to teach you about?" You sat down, sipping the cappuccino in your hands.
"Well, at some point, how on earth that thing works..." He pointed to the coffee machine, you scoffed smiling.
"But for now I think we should start with the basic, everyday things. Like that, and this, and definitely that." He pointed at the microwave, your phone and the tv respectively.
"Okay, well this you won't be using until yours arrives from S.H.E.I.L.D, that I'll show you how to use when next we need to heat food, and that...c'mon." You headed to the couch, grabbing the remote from it's place atop the tv cabinet.
"Okay, this red button with the circle and the line, that turns it on." It turned on showing the news channel at an eardrum bursting volume.
"This controls the volume!" You shouted over the reporter's bored voice. Once the sound was at a tolerable level you looked at Steve.
"Well, that was interesting." You giggled.
"This changes the channel. We've got about two hundred to chose from. So, hopefully you won't run out of stuff to watch." You were flipping through channels when you came across some really old footage shot during the Second World War.
"History channel. Wanna check if these people even bothered to do their research properly?" You asked. He shrugged.
"Might as well. You never know, they might even play one of my videos." You both chuckled and got comfy, this looked like it'd be a long documentary.

Various Oneshots (various characters, time points, universes e.g. AU, etc.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora