Steve plays guitar and only Bucky knows

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It'd been yet another day of intense training. Natasha and Clint were in charge of planning and coaching the torturous activities for me. Target practice, boxing, sparring and flexibility training were included in my morning 'workout'. I walked through the tower, past the living quarters of the avengers who I looked up to and aspired to be like. As I turned a corner, I almost bumped into an, unusually cheerful, James Barnes.
"Hey." He acknowledged.
"Hi" I gave him a tired smile.
"How's the training going?" He must be in a pretty good mood, he usually doesn't seek conversation, specifically with me.
"I know I shouldn't complain about having such an awesome opportunity, I mean; I'm training, and living with the Avengers, but Lord knows this is draining me." I stretched my back sideways, I was sure to be hella stiff the next day. James chuckled. Okay, he's probably the happiest he's been since he returned from that mission where they destroyed a HYDRA based he'd been trained in. I'd have to bring this up with Steve.
"I assume you're referring to training with a couple ex-assassins." He smirked.
"I swear, Clintasha are going to kill me in the gym downstairs before I see my first mission with either S.H.I.E.L.D or you guys."
"Clintasha?" He looked at me quizzically. Had I said that aloud?
"Ugh, Hawkeye and Black Widow. Please don't tell them about that nickname. I find it easier to refer to them like that considering they're pretty much always together." He smiled.
"Sure, I'd prefer to postpone your apparent inevitable doom. You make good food." He walked off chuckling and shaking his head then saying Clintasha and laughing louder.
I continued my journey to the destination shower when I heard a familiar set of chords being played on an acoustic guitar. It definitely wasn't the original song, or any other recorded version of it for that matter, based on the pauses between strums and small mistakes that appeared occasionally.
G#m, C#m, G#m, G#m, C#m and C#m. (#m means that it is a major chord) The appropriate rests were in between each strum which were each their specific length to play the fun, quick paced song that Ed Sheeran gave to the world. It was being played slowly, as if the musician was unfamiliar with the song.
A couple of repetitions of the first verse later and the soft hum of the melody could be heard as the guitarist added sound to where the lyrics would be sung.
I quietly sang the lyrics as I neared the source of the music.
"It's late in the evening, glass on the side, I've been sat with you for most of the night." I reached the closed door separating the world from the beautiful sound resonating from inside the room.
"I need you darling, come on set the tone, if you feel you're falling won't you let me know."
I took the chance and knocked on the door to the room of one of the Avengers, I was about to find out who.
The song stopped, I could hear some shuffling, then footsteps on the wooden floor approaching the door.
It opened to a slightly flustered Steve Rogers, probably a bit embarrassed by the possibility of him being caught playing an Ed Sheeran song.
"Oh, I was expecting...never mind. How can I help you?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Actually, I was wondering if I could help you, sir." I suddenly became incredibly shy, fiddling with my fingers and lowering my head in the presence of the beautiful piece of man in front of me. My role model and superior.
"I believe you may want a vocalist? Quality playing deserves to have a melody accompany it, don't you think?" I was certain to be blushing by now.
"You sing?" He smiled. I nodded.
"I took lessons before I got involved with S.H.I.E.L.D, participated in a few national competitions actually, I was asked to be the lead vocalist when my friend started a band too. I'd be glad to practice with you if you'll take me." I shrugged.
"You know, I'd really appreciate the help." He started heading back into his room before turning back to me.
"On one condition." His face was stern.
"Name it." I smiled.
"No one finds out. Neither of us would ever be able to live it down if anyone finds out, especially Tony." He picked up a classic wooden acoustic guitar.
"I assume we won't be performing for anyone then." I smirked.
"Absolutely not." He chuckled.
We'd gone through the song about five times when the door flew open revealing an otherwise occupied James Barnes.
"There's this song I thought you'd....oh." He looked up to see Steve holding his guitar and me holding a Stark-Pad for the both of us to see.
"I see you finally took my advice, Stevie." He smirked placing his hand on his hip sassily.
"No one finds out, huh?" I quipped, surprised.
"Only Bucky knows." He shrugged questioning whether or not I'd accept that as a reasonable excuse.
"Okay." I shrugged.
"What advice?" I asked James.
"To get someone to teach how to really play."
"Really?  You think I know how to play guitar, actually, more importantly: you think Captain Rogers needs a teacher." I was baffled, he got that song down in under ten repetitions.
"Omg, please don't call me that. It makes me feel old." I laughed. They looked at each other confused, this only made me laugh harder.
"Really?" I managed to stop laughing.
"Modern acronyms don't suit you, first off; and secondly, it makes you feel old? Seriously?" I looked between the 90 something year olds, the one desperately trying to stifle his laughter while waiting for the other to understand.
"Oh, you mean because I am old." James sighed and covered his face with his hands. I just smiled and shook my head.
"This is why you fail so miserably at communicating with Tony, buddy." Bucky walked off chuckling and muttering old man to himself.
"From the top?" I asked, walking back to where the lyrics were being displayed from the tablet at the foot of Steve's bed.
"Miss Y/L/N? I believe you are due for another round of training." J.A.R.V.I.S.' voice sounded, causing me to groan.
"Can you let Miss Romanoff and Mr Barton that I'll be down once I've returned from the physio therapist, chiropractor and spa. Just make sure they know that was sarcasm."
"Last thing I need is for a couple of ex assassins to have reason to torture me further than what they already do." I muttered.
"I could train you if you'd like. I have a feeling we'll work better when it comes to communication and knowing physical limits. You do need to be able to walk tomorrow." Steve suggested.
"That's allowed?" I asked hopefully. He nodded.
"Oh please! Please, please, please!" I begged. I (grabbed the collars of his plaid button up attempting to shake his enormously muscley body)/ (dropped to my knees my hands grasped together pleadingly).
"Okay, if you're done being weirdly affectionate with our boss, I believe we have some training to get done." Clint smirked as he entered the doorway.
I dropped my head awkwardly, (stepped back from Mr hotness smoothing down his shirt with the palms of my hands)/ (stood up slowly) and smiled through my intense blush, hoping that my expression was as innocent as I needed it to be.
"um...I'll just...head down so long. I'll see you there." I started walking.
"Preferably the hottest of you three." I muttered, looking back only to see Steve discussing (intensely) with Clintasha.

Various Oneshots (various characters, time points, universes e.g. AU, etc.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang