Loki faces the consequences of his actions

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I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck, tucking my chin over his shoulder

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I could feel the sting of tears in my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his neck, tucking my chin over his shoulder. "Loki," I sobbed, "I'm so sorry." I pulled back to see his hurt and confused expression. I sobbed and covered my face with my hands.
"I love you so much, but..." I took in a small shaky breath, standing taller and placing my hands at my sides as a gesture of confidence, only to start wringing them together in front of me when I looked at his handsom face.
"That's why we can't be together." Realizing what I was saying, Loki approached me. I shook my head stepping back and he stopped. I heard Thor behind him turn away deciding to give us as much privacy as he could without risking Loki's escape.
"I can't be the reason for another's pain." He looked down at the glistening bridge below us, his gaze distanced and brow slightly furrowed in the adorable way I could no longer allow myself to love. He stayed staring at nothing for what felt like an eternity.
"But," his head lifted, brow more furrowed, "I love you." His now tear-filled gaze met mine. I had to turn away, breath unsteady again.
"I know," I shook my head sadly.
"I know you do, Loki." I turned back to him tears pouring down both our faces. I looked him in the eye.
"I've never doubted that, but I doubt I can love someone who can cause so much pain to innocent beings, with no remorse, no regret, no reason other than greed. I love you, but not the merciless conqueror you've become." I could barely say it, Odin I loved this man, but how could anyone love someone who could kill so easily?
"But I did it for you, if you are to be my queen then you would need a kingdom." He stepped forward, clasping my hands in his. I rest my head on his shoulder allowing a few sobs from their cage in my deadened heart. I lifted my gaze to see his glistening blue eyes filled with desperation.
"I never wanted a kingdom, Loki. I've never wanted to be a queen. I only ever wanted to be yours." He rested his forehead against mine.
"I only ever wanted you to be mine." He murmured. His lips captured mine in a bittersweet and tear salted kiss. His hands glided to my waist while mine held onto his face for dear life.
I started sobbing again, this was so hard. He tried kissing away my tears but more drops of liquid misery took their place.
"I was. I was yours," my hands instinctively slipped into his hair, both of us sobbing, "I was yours, Loki. I was yours." I kissed along his jawline in desperation trying to calm both myself and him.
"Then be mine again. Be mine and we can be happy again, just like we used to be. We could walk aimlessly for hours at a time just talking, like we used to. We could groom the horses in the stables together, laughing when Sleipnir inevitably spooks at the smallest of things, just like we used to. We could go down to the river in the forest and watch the clouds, just like we used to.." He rambled endlessly. I released myself from his grasp turning away from him and hugging myself. I shook my head.
"It can never be like that again, Loki. You're a hated enemy of my own realm, a criminal in every realm, a traitor of Asgard's royal family, of Thor, of Frigga. I have no reason to love you, Loki."
"But I love you." He pleaded.
"That is no longer reason enough. Nothing can undo the damage you've done. To Migard, to your family and their trust, to our relationship, to me." My voice broke as I gave my last example.
"I never meant to hurt you, my love." His voice was steady, reassuring. A sad smile graced my chewed lips.
"I know you didn't, but you have. I can't do this, Loki. Our relationship?" I had to steady my voice.
"It's over."

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