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Samuel Johnson sat at his desk. It was a very hot summer evening. It was pretty late but he knew he had to get these extra hours in. He stared blankly into the computer screen and sighed. He would never be able to finish all this before tomorrow's meeting. A weird scrunching sound came from behind him. He turned around and saw a crumpled up piece of paper in the entrance of his cubicle. He walked over and picked it up. There was a small paragraph in what seemed to be dark red ink.

It said:

Dear Sam,
I know you are going through some hard times. I want to help you out. Please meet me in the entrance to the building. I have something for you. I know this may seem sketchy, but you can trust me.

The letter wasn't signed. No matter how much he wanted to believe this letter, it was just too sketchy. Plus, why hadn't the person who had given him the letter just told him himself. Sam went back to his work. A couple minutes later, a strangled scream seemed to come from the lower floors. Sam got up and looked around. He was still alone. He had had enough for one night. He needed to get out of here. Then he remembered there was probably gonna be someone waiting for him at the front entrance. He decided to go out the back. He grabbed his stuff and hurriedly made his way down the stairs and to the back entrance.

Then he heard it again, a high pitched strangled scream. He couldn't ignore that. He picked up his phone to dial 911. He tried to turn it on, but he had run out of battery.
"Darn! I'm sure I had just charged it." He muttered to himself.
He wasn't sure but it seemed like the screams were coming from the front entrance.
"Just a peek." He told himself. "If stuff looks to nasty just get the hell outta here."
He went over to the main hall and peeked around the corner. There was a man, with a grey mask, looking over a small girl. Suddenly, Sam realized he was strangling her!!!

He couldn't just leave. He ran towards the predator as fast as he could. Then, he heard a gunshot. He felt a burning pain in his stomach. He looked down to see blood seeping from his shirt. He found he couldn't breath. He fell down and right before the world went black, he caught a glimpse of a man with a revolver looking all too pleased with himself...

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