Chapter 2

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It was right before Jarvis was about to leave his office that he smelled it. It was the strong sent of something rotting. He walked around the office trying to locate the smell. He walked over to his desk and picked up the letter he had dropped there earlier. He had completely forgotten about it. The smell seemed to be coming from inside the letter. He opened the letter and the smell almost made him gag. It smelled like rotting fruit. He looked inside. The contents were a note and small box. He took the note out first. It read:

Dear Jarvis,
You might not know who I am, but I know very well who you are. Tonight, I will make one more victim. The contents of the box will be my method for killing this one. The contents may also reveal where I will commit tonight's crime. But only someone as smart as you could figure that out.
P.s. Be there at 11:00pm. Don't be late.

Jarvis looked over at his watch. It was exactly 10:47pm. He didn't have much time at all. He opened the box and looked at the contents. There was what seemed to be a slimy green pill. This was definitely where the smell was coming from. How it had anything to do with the location of the murder. He didn't know. What location could possibly be related to a slimy green pill? Jarvis gave the pill a whiff. It smelled horrible, but a little fruity at the same time. He went over to get a evidence bag. He put the weird looking pill in the evidence bag. Suddenly, something clicked in his head. He wasn't sure where it came from, but he remembered eating Jelly beans with Max, Erika and Amelia. He sure missed Amelia... but he couldn't be thinking of her now. They were right outside of the candy store. It seemed very foolish, but Jarvis was sure that was where the next murder would happen.

He looked at his watch 10:56pm. He didn't have much time. He would never be able to call the chief inspector and still make it there on time. He ran out of his office and outside into the cold winter air. He wasn't sure what he would do when he ran into the murderer, but he knew he had to make it there on time. He had to at least try to clear the area of citizens. He ran down the snowy streets of Vancouver. He looked at his watch, 10:58pm. He ran even faster. In the distance, he could see the candy store at the end of the street. When he got there, he quickly checked his watch 11:01pm. He hoped to God he wasn't too late. He peeked inside the shop. It was pitch black. He went around the back of the building. He turned the back corner of the building and there, on the hard concrete floor, was a bloody handprint... Jarvis then realized, that he was too late...

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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