Strange Worlds

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Author's Note: Hey peoples!! 'Tis Hollie! :P Soooo, this is a new fun-adventure-slightly romancy-fantasy-awesome story that I'm gonna write! Please give me your feedback and opin-onions(heehee). Also, this is NOT the title I wanted for the story, but the one I put "wasn't long enough". Aaaaarrgghgh. So! If anyone ever comes up with good suggestions for a new title, please tell me! I'd reeaally like it! :)

Song of the Chapter: Wonderland   By: Avril Lavigne    (I couldn't think of anything else... any other ideas?)


Mikki's stomach grumbled loudly, echoing throughout the small house. She tensed, hoping it didn't wake her brother, Markus. He'd been out hunting for meat but had turned up empty, defeated, dragging himself to his room to take a nap, with their stomachs still empty.

 If only Markus would let her hunt! She was fifteen, plenty old enough! But he only let her go with him to gather herbs around the house, "to keep her safe". Like it would make a difference. Anything that could hurt her could hurt Markus, just as well.

Mikki and her brother lived in a world called Daer. They didn't live in any specific town or village, although there was one a couple of miles away. Some people, like Mikki and Markus, didn't like associating with so many others. They felt safer on their own, where they didn't have to worry about illnesses that could spread rapidly, like in the village.

Their parents had died of the Green Disease, a quick-spreading, deadly infection that made the skin a greenish color, and the victim weak, unable to move, with a high fever. Mikki had been seven when they died, and Markus had been ten. They'd lived on their own since then, with just a couple friends that also lived secluded in the woods.

While living in the woods minimized the chances for disease, it had its own problems. Dragons, jackals, demons, and various monsters threatened their daily safety, not to mention add competition for food. Mikki had practiced sword fighting and archery with Markus, in case she ever had to defend herself, but so far, she'd only ever seen one threat. The giant tiger demon.

She'd been walking through the woods when she saw it, devouring something huge, ripping it apart with its fierce, razor-sharp teeth. She had frozen and tried not to breathe, hiding behind a tree, hoping it wouldn't see her. Eventually, it passed, but she never went into that part of the woods again.

But even with these threats, she still thought it better to face visible threats that one could fight, than the unseen, invisible enemies that left one helpless. Although, that didn't reduce their danger and the fact that you would still probably die if you ever faced one. 

The only real hope against these creatures was The Guard. They were mysterious beings that brought hope to the people. Legends said that they were Unicorns, the purest of beings, and that their touch would instantly purify or kill a monster with evil intent. They also cured disease and healed wounds, and it was said that they had magical abilities. It was also told that they had a human form they could take on, so one would not know if they were talking with one of The Guard. But they were a seclusive group, and they never ventured out openly, except in times of great danger. Mikki had never met one.

Sighing, she slowly stood up, reaching for the pad of paper and quill that they'd purchased in the town. She scrawled a note for Markus: Gone to get herbs. Maybe hunt. Be back later. He'd kill her for going out alone, but hopefully, if she managed to bring back food safely, he'd understand. They'd been hungry for too long.

Grabbing her herb sack, arrows, and for good measure, her sword and sheath, she tiptoed towards the door, glancing at the room where Markus slept. Closing the door behind her, she winced as the floor creaked when she moved. She'd have to walk more carefully.

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