Temporary Home

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Author's Note: Durrr.... Just read it.... :P

Song of the Chapter: (Idk yet. Any Ideas?)


Meeting Caylee Anderson had been a bizzare experience for Mikki. She'd known, as soon as she'd seen her- well, almost, after she stopped thinking it was a trap- that Caylee was clueless. She just had that look about her. The look of complete innocence and obliviousness that Mikki'd only seen on very young village kids back on Daer. The look Mikki hated, but also quietly wished she could have. She wondered if everyone here had that look.

Mikki was positive now that this was not her home. She'd had her doubts earlier, it could have all been a huge hallucination, but now she knew. Surreal as it was, everything was too vivid, too solid, too real to be a trick.

She was truly in another world. Caylee had said something of where they were, words that sounded like "Coller-ah-dough," "Amerr-icah," and "Errth." But Mikki had no idea what those words meant, and if they were in one or all of those places. But she didn't care much, she just wanted to find a way back to Daer as soon as possible. This place was strange.

Another one of those mechanical things zoomed by like the wind on the road next to them. She had stopped being scared of them by now, Caylee didn't seem to be; and they never left the roads, as far as she could tell. She was about to ask what they were, when Caylee turned and addressed her.

"So, is this Arik guy like, your boyfriend?" Caylee asked, with a bit of a playful grin.

"Boyfriend?" Mikki questioned, unfamiliar with this term.

Caylee giggled. "Yeah! Like, are you two, you know... dating?"

"Wha-? No! H-he's just my friend! He's really annoying, anyway. I wouldn't want to date him!" She exclaimed, flustered.

"Right..." Caylee smiled knowingly.

Mikki sighed internally. Of all the people in this new world she could have come accross, she had to meet a boy-crazy ditz. Exactly like those silly village girls she was always trying to avoid. But at least Caylee was willing to help her and give her a place to stay the night. So she shouldn't complain.

"We're here!" Caylee called, stopping in front of a huge building. "It's a bit small, but..." she trailed off.

"Small?" Mikki asked, bewildered. She'd only vaguely been paying attention as they'd walked, but now she saw all the houses around her, and was astounded. She and Markus had lived in a little home made of wood Markus had cut down himself. It was tiny and cramped, but livable; like everyone's in Daer, even the villager's. 

These homes were at least five times the average size, and they were made of a very stable looking, nice material. In fact, the houses were beautiful. The complete opposite of the shoddy buildings on Daer.

The one they were stopped in front of was a one-floored one, and the outside was made out of a clean white stone. There were windows, but instead of empty spaces, they were filled with a hard, clear material. Painted green wooden things hung pointlessly next to them. There was one stone-ish step up to the entrance, and the door was made of wood as well, also painted green.

"It's amazing!" Mikki exclaimed.

"Yeah, well..." Caylee muttered, pulling out a key and jamming it in the door. It swung open, and Caylee stepped inside. "Mom? You here?" she called out.

Mikki followed Caylee inside. She wasn't usually shy, even though she didn't talk much, but walking into a strange home in a strange world, about to meet a strange adult, made her want to run away. But she didn't want to spend another freezing night in the 'park,' as Caylee had called it.

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