Imagine 3- Arranged Marriage

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Lemme tell you guys, this Imagine is not based on any songs but a request from one of my reader. I donno how much I'm gonna justify the storyline but I'm so glad that I gotta write this. All thanks to naru9193namu  for giving me the idea of arranged marriage with Nam Woohyun. Thanks dear!!


What is marriage? Just a tie between two people? Two souls? Two families? Or a bond that unites a man and woman to love, dedicate and sacrifice their lives for each other till their last breath?

That is what the relationship they were forced into, by their families. She didn't want to hurt her loving parents, he didn't had a choice but to accept. He hated being confined into a relationship built on others likes and his pure dislike, but will that hate of him last forever?

"Wahh, you look gorgeous in this gown Miss" salesgirl praised Yoomi after she came out of the curtains. Yoomi flashed a little smile to the salesgirl before turning to the man whose eyes were only focused on the magazine in his hand and his ears are filled with the loud music playing in his headphones

"Sir.." salesgirl approached him while Yoomi waited for him to look at her

"What?" he asked sensing the presence beside him though he didn't hear her calling him

Politely bowing down to his sitting figure, the salesgirl motioned her right hand towards Yoomi who is waiting for him to acknowledge her wedding dress. "Yoomi ah, you look pretty & beautiful in any dress" he said with a charming smile removing ear bud from his right ear, staff at the boutique were amused at his response but the true meaning of that smile and words are known only to the adorably show-off couple Yoomi and Woohyun

Yoomi went inside the curtains with never ending fearful thoughts about how she end up with this jerk after their ARRANGED MARRIAGE.


"I now pronounce you two as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride now" the priest announced after the newly wedded couple took their marriage vows of lifetime love and togetherness

Reluctantly their lips met and pulled apart in a split second, hiding their dislike for each other with a bright fake smile plastered on their faces. Such an act!!

After spending like 2 hours at the wedding hall greeting and talking with the guests, Woohyun and Yoomi finally reached their new home

Whole house is decorated with small and various colored light bulbs, and the white and pink rose petals paved on the floor in perfect arrow shape routed them to their master bedroom. They followed the path till it ends and witnessed more of the talents from the florist their parents hired for this whole wedding process

"Ughhh I'm so tired with all this meaningless stuff happened since morning" Woohyun groaned as his weak body landed flat on the bed after throwing his coat and tie away carelessly

Yoomi walked silently inside with a cute smile plastered on her pretty lips appreciating the view in front of her which is definitely not her jerk husband. Wow!! This looks so cool and awesome!! Tsk... Tsk... such a waste that they had to spend their precious time, energy and talent on a meaningless day of us

While turning to his side on bed Woohyun noticed her smile and smirked "snap out of it sweetheart" he said resting his head on the palm of his folded left hand

She turned to him in confusion "Ne?"

"It will never happen" he said getting up from sleeping position

"What will never happen?" she asked still in confusion

"Whatever thoughts you are having right now" he sounded like he swam in her thoughts

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