Imagine 4- I loved you

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Long time no see peeps!

This imagine is inspired by Namu's solo song 'if only you are fine' from his second solo album 'Second Write..'
Hope you all support him! Thanks 🙏🏻


"How long have you been here?" she heard a voice shout, yet so much sounded like a melody to her desparate ears. Her insides twisted giving her the similar pain she felt when she last heard that voice

Bringing her hands from the top of her head to her stomach, covering her wet body she hesitated for few moments to speak or it seemed like that to the other person who just shared his umbrella with her

Pushing the lemon yellow color umbrella slightly up, he turned to face her, her eyes landed on his polished black shoes that were stained with the mud, looked like he hurried in the rain to get there

"I asked, since when you are here.." he looked around, the bus stop that usually gives shelter to many passengers who protect themselves from getting wet under its roof whenever it rains like this, but being the late evening, there weren't many people today "and why are you standing in the rain instead of inside the bus stop?" He added

A young girl crying at one corner while her mother scolding her for something and a middle-aged couple embracing each other in the male's coat because of the cold weather, waiting for their busses

"Does it even bother you?" She asked eating half of her words

"What did you just say?" He asked, his gaze turned from a concerned-angry one to a damn-cold one

She frowned at her own words before saying "Nothing, you shouldn't have been here, go now"

He bit his lower lip, rather hard, trying to control the temper she is pushing him into "Kang Jina!" He half-yelled at her, she flinched as soon as his other empty hand touched her shoulder "why are you being like this?" He questioned

His gentle touch made her eyes open wide as they stared into his hazelnut orbs, the flashes like memories of them started playing in front of her. She carefully blinked her eyes so as to not let those tears fall

"Like what?" She asked him, breaking the eye-contact and wriggled his hand off of her shoulder

He breathed in and out few times like a breathing control exercise that always helps him sort out things in front of him, or atleast gives some time to think about what he should do next "Forget it!" He finally regained his previous gentle posture and examined her

"Let's get you home first, you shouldn't be staying in rain for so long" he grabbed her by her wrist to drag her along to his car but she didn't budge

"Jina ah, jebal!" He pleaded her, instead of going with him she tried to loosen his grip on her wrist

"I don't need someone like you to bring me home, I can go myself"

"Jina ah!" His voiced dropped to his lowest

She looked away, but didn't give up on loosening his tight grip on her hand "It hurts! Leave me alone!" She shouted on the top of her voice and startled the people around them

He didn't seem to care his surroundings at all as his gaze fixed on the girl in front of him "I'm not doing as you wish Kang Jina, you are coming with me and that's final, do you get that?"

She shook her head sideways but him being the stubborn guy, he pushed the umbrella in his hand into hers and pulled her into his arms, bridal style, her other hand automatically gripped around his neck while the one with umbrella covered them from rain

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