Chapter 1: Sweet Dreams and Wacky Moms

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This Chapter is dedicated to the amazing @westeros- who designed three wonderful covers for me, one of which now adorns this book.


BY DAY, I was a humble accountant, working for the City Council, filing taxes, submitting audits and secretly popping chocolate frosting pills when my Boss wasn't watching

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BY DAY, I was a humble accountant, working for the City Council, filing taxes, submitting audits and secretly popping chocolate frosting pills when my Boss wasn't watching. But by night, I was a crime fighting doughnut, and along with my sidekick Constable Cappuccino, we worked to rid the streets of Fast Food Town of all its villains - one snack at a time. As we rode along in the dough mobile, the scent of fresh morning treats wafted through the air, and the sweet smell of chocolatey goodness beckoned us towards the alley.

"It's too early for anything to be made," I mumbled as I checked the time, which confirmed my superstitions, 4:30 am. I parked the car and turned to my partner to ask if we should check it out. He gave a fervent nod back in response, but ended up shifting so forcefully; that a drop of coffee fell from his nose.

"Hey-hey," I cried, "watch the seats; This is Italian Crust you know!"

"Sorry boss," he exclaimed, "I've just got the worst cold, I've been dripping all over the place."

"That's alright," I huffed, "let's just go catch the perps". I motioned to the constable to stay back and let me go forward, "This might get a little crumbly" I whispered, as I crouched behind the fence and watched as two crêpes wearing ski masks tried to rob the bakery.

"STOP, DROP THE PANINI AND PUT YOUR HANDS UP," I screamed, alerting the offenders to my presence. One of the crêpes tried to run, but upon seeing Cappuccino approach from the other end of the alley, they backed away, slowly raising their hands up. After cuffing the two miscreants, I high-fived Cappuccino, feeling drunk on the high of catching yet another criminal.

As the freezing water hit my skin, I jolted awake, "MOM!" I cried, already feeling the effects of the cold as my body shivered, trying to adjust to the drastic temperature drop.

"I warned you, Savannah," she sang, as she sashayed out of my room, apparently feeling proud of herself.

I rolled my eyes, pulled the covers back over my body and turned on my side, ready to drift off back to Dreamland where I was a vigilante, helping Fast Food Town eliminate crime.

Just as I was about to board the train back to my dreams, my mother stuck her head back through the door. "Do not even think about going back to sleep Savannah," she warned, "unless you would like me to pour water on your head."

"Again," Mom added sheepishly before ducking out of the room. I groaned, running my hand down my face, suddenly becoming aware that I would have to wash my hair again, even though I had just washed it the previous night. Which, unfortunately, added an extra 20 minutes to my already too-long morning routine - it would be a miracle if I got to school on time.

"Great," I grumbled as I trudged to the bathroom.


"Good Morning Savannah!" Mom chirped as I walked down the stairs, "Isn't it a beautiful day?"

Still grumpy about my hair, I glared at her hoping my stare would burn holes through her scalp, catch fire on her hair and-

"Savannah, why are you looking at me like that? Do you have constipation?"

"Mom!" I hissed, there was no one in the house except the two of us, and yet as my cheeks heated up, I felt the feeling of embarrassment creep up.

"What?" she asked, "It's very natural." 

"Plus," she continued, not yet noticing the look of horror on my face, "I'm your mother, you can talk to me about these things; maybe we should start discussing things like this more often, you know bowel move-"

Just as she was about to finish her sentence that would have undoubtedly turned me into a puddle of discomfort, a car horn interrupted her mid-sentence, and once again, I thanked God for the miracle that was Josiah Peters. Before she could stop me, I ran out of the house, grabbing my backpack, an apple and finally yelling out "Bye Mom! Love you!" I barely heard her reply back before I sprinted to the car.

"Hi," I panted, still recovering from the 25 yards I had run from my porch to his car. Damn. I have got to exercise more.

"Hi," he grinned back, with a slight chuckle in his voice, "so... What happened there?"

"Don't ask," I responded, trembling as I recalled the direction that conversation was undoubtedly heading towards. I know my Mom meant well, but sometimes she could be a bit much. But she was so wacky and weird it was hard not to love her.

"Alrighty then," he said, with a smile and a shake of his head. He reached over the control to grab my hand and lay a kiss across my knuckles. I smiled as I winded our hands together, settling my fingers in between his. A perfect match.

Josiah Peters was the darling of Blue Water High School, as the school's star soccer player, everyone either wanted to be him or be with him. And with his god-like hair, a smile that glowed and a voice as smooth as buttermilk; it wasn't hard to know why. And he was all mine.

Josiah and I first met in freshman year when we were assigned a project for history that had to be completed in pairs. At first, I was apprehensive to work with Josiah - I was afraid that with his hectic training schedule, he wouldn't be able to dedicate any time to the project and I would be stuck doing it all on my own. Much to my surprise, on the first day, Josiah turned up armed with a bag full of poster pens and sugar paper, ready to start the project. We ended up finishing the project that night, even though it wasn't due until the end of the semester.

In the remaining sessions, we had scheduled for the project, we would hang out at the local juice bar and talk about every and anything, only stopping when the bar had to close for the night. Despite us being from two opposite ends of the social spectrum, conversation flowed between us like waves on the shore, and there was never a dull moment or an awkward pause - it felt relaxed, natural; like we had known each other our whole lives. When the project ended, I was strangely disappointed. At first, the meetings felt forced and uncomfortable, but by the end, they were just an excuse to spend time with him. But against all the odds, Josiah and I continued to spend time every free moment together, until he finally asked me out; first on a date, and then to be his girlfriend at the beginning of sophomore year.

I don't remember exactly when I realised I had feelings for Josiah, somewhere along the line, our awkwardness had turned into a love story, each day sweeter than the last. Now in senior year, our three year anniversary was coming up, and I couldn't have been happier; in my heart, I knew Josiah was the one I wanted to be with - now and forever.



Did you like it? Upon reviewing it, I noticed this chapter was a bit short, but another will be coming very soon. It was either break it up here or have an extra-long episode that would have dragged on forever. I hope you did enjoy it though and were not too disappointed.

Please remember to vote and comment, and I'll see you next time,


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