Goodbye Fovever

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Dear Mom,
I miss you with all my heart. I'll never forget that Monday. That one Monday that changed my life forever. The day you took the biggest part of me. The day when I cried like I never cried before. The day...the day you died.
I did not want to except those simple life-changing words.
                 "She gone"
As simple as that a whole was lunged through my chest. I couldn't breathe. I was suffocating. I couldn't think. All I wanted to do is die. To be your little girl. To hear your voice one last time. My last words to you were "I love you mommy. I'll see you soon. I promise." That promise is gone. Gone with you. Gone with me. I missed you. Then I was depressed. Everyone said I would hate you...I know I could never. I hated your disease. I hated the world. I hated everyone who was happy when I could never be again. I was so numb. I would stand in the shower, sobbing, my skin was red from the scolding hot water but inside was still cold. I would go to the park and watch to mothers watch there kids,I would watch teenage girls yelling at their mother. Even then I was envious. I envied the fact kids with mothers could tell them "I love you." I stare at the sky and wonder what you would have done in my place. Life is a very special gift. Every morning I wake up I say "Good morning life." I'll admit I'm numb sometimes but my family fills up my hole. But my family can only fill so much. My mom deserves to be remembered. So here's her memories. Right here in me. I love you. Goodbye forever.

  Love, Your Daughter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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