The Try Guys meet the Try Girl

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Zach: Today, we are going to meeting a new try guy! 

(Text on screen: How do you feel about it?)

Ned: I don't like it (Fake pouts)

Zach: We've been...just us four for a long time...

Keith: Meh

Eugene: I feel very awkward about it because I think the four of us have a bond that new guy probably won't have.

(Text: Meeting)

The Try Guys' reaction:

(The Try Guys walk into a room with Mist sitting on a chair wearing  the outfit below)

(The Try Guys walk into a room with Mist sitting on a chair wearing  the outfit below)

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Mist: Hi! Nice to meet you. I'm Mist.

Keith (Happy-ish): I'm Keith.

Zach (Miserable): I'm Zach.

Ned (Smiling): I'm Ned.

Eugene (Not smiling, not frowning): And I'm Eugene.

Mist: Thanks for the introduction buuut I don't need it to know who you guys are. 

Ned: So, are you the new try guy? You're a girl.

Mist (Annoyed): Oh my gosh! When did this happen? I had no idea what my gender was! Thank you for pointing it out!

Zach: No need to be sarcastic. 

(Zach rolls his eyes)

Eugene: So, Mist, how old are you? You're kind of short.

Mist: Twelve.

Zach: Shouldn't you be at school or something?

Mist: I graduated two years ago and got a bachelor in particle physics and an PhD in theoretical chemistry (Can you do that? IDK). I skipped a bunch of school. It was too easy.

Keith: That's nice. So, out of us, who do you think is the cutest? (They asked this in a couple of videos)

(Mist shrugs)

Mist: I don't know. I guess Ned. He and his wife are so cute!

Ned: Yes! You don't think I talk about my wife too much do you?

Mist: Well...You seem to mention her in every video...

Eugene: Do you watch the try guys a lot?

Mist: What is this? An interrogation? 

(Rolls eyes)

Mist: I watch the try guys almost everyday...

(Text on screen: What do you think of Mist?)

Eugene: She's quite strange.

Keith (Happy): SHE'S COOL!

Ned: I like her she seems like a really nice person.

Zach: I'm fine with her, you know. I don't really mind having her around.

(Outro starts)

(*Buzzfeed sign swings*)

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