The Five Types Of Friends You Have ///Try Guys///

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Narrator: These, are your best friends. So close that they're practically family or should I say, literally just like your family

Ned: Happy birthday!

Eugene: Surprise.

Keith: What me? (Screaming wildly)

(Freeze-frame on Keith)

Narrator: Every squad has the child not necessarily the youngest in age but definitely in spirit.

Keith: (Continues screaming) This is the best day of my life!

(Moves to restaurant)

Keith: (Screams) This is the best day of my life! They have fried chicken here.

Narrator: The child runs on the power of positivity without ever running out of something to say.

Keith: I have something to say. As much as I love fried chicken, I LOVE hanging with you guys!

Zach: You know what? I think we're ready to order.

Server: Okay, what can I get you guys?

Keith: Oh hello! What is your name?

(Move to living room)

Keith: You all remember Kevin right?

Ned: Yes! Welcome!

Eugene: No.

Narrator: The child also has the uncanny ability to turn any stranger, however strange, into a new friend.

Kevin: So, can I get anyone something to drink?

Zach: You know? Actually, a seltzer would be nice.

Ned: Keith! You're getting the remote all greasy! Hand it over, we're going to decide to watch as a group.

(Keith fumbles with his bowl)

Ned: Keith, no.

(Move to restaurant)

(Keith fumbles with the bottle)

(Move to bar)

(Keith fumbles with glass)

Narrator: And, just like a baby, he sometimes lacks the ability to fully control his own limbs.

Bully 1: Look, that dude's just like a baby.

Bully 2: Yeah, it's like he lacks the ability to fully control his own limbs.

(They laugh)

Narrator: You protect the child at all costs, because he's the most fun and sweet friend you'll ever have.

Ned: I have just the thing that will help you feel better!

Narrator: Then there's the adult of the group, the one who's stuck in peak mom and dad mode, 24/7.

Ned: It's a gift card!

Keith: Oh, I love cards!

Narrator: The adult's parental advisory instincts, kick into high gear whenever a resolution needs to be reached.


Ned: Guys! GUYS! Keith got to pick last time, so we're gonna go with Zach's choice.

(Passes the remote to Zach)

Zach: Oh goody.

Eugene: The f***! What about me?

Ned: No, your shows are super depressing and not appropriate for Keith.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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