Chapter 21- Dinner

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I sat in my place in between Melvin and Joseph, they didn't feel like the same comforting walls they were before. Now I felt vulnerable being so far from the only person who supported me. 

Joe wasn't against me but he wouldn't dare speak up for me in front of Felix. Where once he could voice his opinion openly he was now outnumbered by a larger margin.

 I could feel their radiating animosity towards me, I had betrayed the family by sitting in Damon's car, only I didn't see it that way. Why was I supposed to sit in a car with people who hate me rather than the one person who cares about my happiness.

The younger boys were really mad, they were furious I rode with Damon instead of them. Felix Leo and the newly baptized Theo were a calm angry. They scared me more. Calm angry meant they were calm because they figured out a solution, which was probably sending me to a convent and sinking Damon to the bottom of the ocean.

None of these options seemed enticing unfortunately so I had to figure out a way to defend myself.

"Lets eat," My fathers said, unaware of the growing rift between us.

"Could you pass me a roll," I asked Melvin. He didn't move. Instead he piled on spaghetti to his plate. 

No one moved to get me a roll, my mother looked up confused. At that point I loudly scraped my chair back and reached over to get a roll. 

"Lydia," My mom shot me a look, as in 'don't be rude'. Little did she know it was her sons icing me out. 

"You know what, I think I'm gonna skip dinner. I'm not feeling well." I threw my napkin on my plate and stood up.

"Lydia you have to eat!" My mom said panicked.

"I'm really not feeling well mom."  


I turned, it was Felix. My eyes burned, I struggled to keep my voice calm and my chin from quivering. I sat grudgingly, I couldn't get out of this one.

"Lydia, per favore .  We have a special announcement." She grinned. We all froze before breaking out into a Tonelli freakout

"Oh god not another one,"
"There's no way she can she's old now."
"Joey's not gonna be the little one anymore" 
"Did you just call Ma old?"
"Cosa ha detto?"  what did she say?
"Listen if anyone is sharing a room with a baby it's Marcus."
"Hell no its Joseph"
"There's no way I'm sharing my room with a baby"
"I'm not sharing my room with some guy who shits every 20 minutes"
"Didn't you already share with Marcus, its the same thing no."
"Watch your mouth!"
"How do we even know its not gonna be a girl?"
"God forbid"
"If its a girl its going up for adoption"
"If it's anything like the girl we have now it can stay in there"
"I'm barely in my 20s and she's already making my hair gray if there's another one I'll go bald"

"Enough!" My mother slammed her hand on the table, "Sei pazzo?" Are you crazy? She yelled.

"Okay so there's no more Tonelli's on the way?" Leo asked.

"No," She glared angrily, "It's good news!" 

"What is it Ma?" 

She smiled at my Aunt and Uncle before saying "They made an offer on the house next door! The escrow papers just went through!"

"Congratulations!" Everyone stood up and began hugging and kissing my cousins and aunt and uncle. 


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