Chapter 23 Ambush

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I literally have no other excuse than life is hard lol

I walked past mickeys house undetected, I didn't need a babysitter, my neighborhood wasn't scary and I doubt anyone would want to pick on the Tonelli's sister. 

I put my headphones in once I reached far enough no one from home could call out for me. It felt so nice walking again, it was weird, I spent so much time in a car or in a house I forgot what my neighborhood was like. It was pretty empty, Leo was right, it was getting dark soon so people were heading home. 

*Marcus' POV*

"Her headphones are in she can't hear us," Melvin grinned.

"She's an idiot, it's almost dark, anyone could be out here." I said.

"Well we'll teach her to be more aware of her surroundings." He smirked.

I chuckled and kept driving slowly behind her while the sun set.

*Lydia's POV*

The sunset was beautiful! Like the basic bitch I am I pulled out my phone and snapped photos of the purple and pink sky. 

*Marcus's POV*

She pulled out her phone and started taking pictures of the sunset, we burst into laughter. 

"Why is she so basic," 

"We're not related,"

"Have we taught her nothing,"

*Lydia's POV*

Minutes after the sun had set it got dark.

Damnit!  I thought, our neighborhood had only a few lamp posts, getting home would be a pain. I rushed and crossed the street and headed back in the direction of home. 

I walked a little faster this time on the way home. I turned off my music so I could be more aware of my surroundings and heard a car engine running behind me. Usually a car would pass by but this car sounded like it was slowing. 

I picked up the pace, breathing harder. The car engine stopped, maybe they were parking. I slowed down a bit but heard the car engine again. I felt frozen, I was too scared to turn around, not wanting to make a big deal out of what might be my imagination. I walked faster, almost turning my night walk into a jog.

*Marcus' POV* 

"She's walking faster, do you think she can hear us?" Melvin asked.

"I don't know but we better do this fast before she recognizes the car," I threw him a black hoodie, we zipped it up and I formed a game plan.

*Lydia's POV*

I walked until I hit a truly dark part of the street, no lights, all the porch lights were off and I was alone. 

All of a sudden the car screeched out in front of me and stopped, 10 feet from where I was standing. I stopped, do I cross the street? Or is that going to make me look like a wuss, if I do cross the street what if they grab me. I tried to look at the license plate but it was hard in the dark I had no time to think before I heard the car doors open, I sprinted past the car and tried to reach the other side of the street. 

The strangers arms shot out of the car and grabbed me before I could get past. I screamed bloody murder and started elbowing and scratching any surface I could find. 

*Marcus' POV* 

I gassed it as fast as I could before she could figure out and run away. I stopped the car feet away from her and Melvin and I threw the hood on and got ready. 

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