Things Are Finally Turning Around

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*Ethan's POV *

Today's the day. Me and Tyler are finally moving into our own house together.

Me and Mark were discussing on how I was still going to edit videos for him, and he said he would just send them over to me.

I'm actually really stressed and nervous about this whole move. It's just the thought of living in a completely new place that kind of freaks me out.

Originally, Me, Mark, Tyler, lived in LA, but now me and Tyler are moving to San Francisco.

"Hey Ethan, are you packed?"

I here Tyler calling me from the doorway as I'm laying in my bed.

"Yeah, for the most part."

Tyler shrugs and walks over to sit next to me on my bed.

He wraps his right arm over my shoulder and I rest my head on his chest.

"What's up Ethan?"

"I'm just stressed."

"You shouldn't be, this is a great opportunity."

"I know, I just hate having to deal with new stuff, it kijnd of just freaks me out in a way."

Tyler then got up and started to help me finish my packing.

"You don't have to do that."

"We're leaving in an hour."

Why is he getting kind of mad at me? I'm just stressed.

"Tyler, just go. I will be packed in thirty minutes."

Tyler grunted as he left the room, closing the door extra loudly.

I sit on my bed and have my head in my hands.

"Why do I always have to fuck things up." I muttered to myself.

I roll down my sleeves.

I had a couple fairly new cuts and scars, but it was nothing...

Again, it's just because of stress, and Tyler has been really snipy and kind of nasty towards me.

So Tyler doesn't get made at me, I finish packing.

I hed to my bathroom to make sure everything was packed.

I grabbed my travel backpack and filled it with all my pills that I just got refilled. Then through everything else in a moving box.

It's now been thirty minutes so I decided to take my things on to the moving truck.

After twenty mijnutea of doing that I came back inside, and headed to my room. Well, it's not really my room anymore.

I walk in and sit on the floor, not even bothering to close the door. (WoAH, that ryhmed.)

Now I'm just thinking. So much has happened in this room. Tyler found out about everything in this room. Tyler calmed me down when I had panic attacks in this room. Tyler fold me he loved me in this room.

I heard a knock coming from the doorframe.

"Hey E."

"Oh, hey Mark."

"Are you ready?"

"No, I'm going to miss you so much."

I got up and gave him a hug.

"I'm going to miss you too blue boy. Please stay safe, and call me if you need help or anything for that matter."

"I will Mark thank you."

We let go from our hug. It was actually quite peaceful until I heard Tyler yell from the kitchen.

"Ethan! Are you ready to go yet?!"

"Yeah, I've been ready."

I gave Mark another quick hug, the walked out the door.

"Took you long enough." I heard Tyler scoff.

"What's you're problem?"

"What do you mean?"

"You've been a real bitch latley Tyler. What's you're problem?"

"I'm just stressed that's all."

"Well I'm stressed too. and you don't see me taking it out on you, everytime I see you."

"I'm sorry Ethan. I really am, I didn't mean it."

He kisses me on the forehead but it felt wrong.

We both got into the moving truck and started to head to our new house.

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