Chapter 3

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Thomas ran faster than he ever had before. He couldn't let Newt go. Whether he was actually there or just a hallucination Thomas wouldn't know, but what Thomas did know was that he couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

Thomas broke through the trees and stopped suddenly. There standing calmy was Newt. Thomas eyes widened impossibly wider.

"Newt?" Thomas said. He didn't answer, but slowly stuck a hand out towards him. Thomas went to grab it, but stopped short. Thomas was hit with how sketchy all of this was. He remembered all of his supernatural experiences and he knew that grabbing the hand of a possible ghost wasn't a good idea.

Newt sent him a pleading look. He opened his mouth to say something, but started to choke. Newt clasped a hand over his mouth and looked at Thomas with eyes filled with tears. They didn't seem to be emotional tears but tears of pain.

Thomas didn't say anything but watched quietly. He didn't know what to say. He was seeing a dead friend, infront of him. What was someone supposed to say to that.

The pleading look on Newts face turned into panic and he quickly dissappeared. Thomas blinked in shock but had no time to recover as his friend came barreling towards him.

"Stiles! What the hell was that?" Scott practically screeched. Thomas turned to him, scrambling to find an excuse.

"Oh um, I thought I saw Mason. I was meaning to ask him if I could borrow something," Thomas almost cringed at how fake that sounded. Scott knew he was lying but thankfully he didn't say anything.

Thomas plunged his hands into the water and gathered three butter knives in his hand. He reached for the sponge, but froze suddenly.

In the reflection of one of the butter knives was Newt. He was frowning and his arm was outstretched and seemed to be pointing at something.

Thomas tensed and slightly shifted the butter knife to point to the place Newt was pointing at. Thomas' eyes widened at what he saw. There, standing casually, was a figure of a person. Thomas couldn't see their feature properly as they were standing in the shadows.

Against his better judgement Thomas whirled around to look at the spot. However, this time there was no one there.

Thomas sighed and shook his head.

You're just imagining things, Thomas told himself, but for some reason he couldn't push the image of the figure away.

Thomas gulped and rolled his shoulders to relieve the tension. He dropped the butter knives back into the water and went to the fridge, careful to not turn his back to the spot. This ended up with his body twisted at an awkward angle and his head rotated to the point where it might snap

He couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching him, waiting to attack him when he was most vulnerable.


Thomas hated feeling vulnerable. Being vulnerable meant he wasn't in control and the one thing Thomas hated more than his own vulnerability was not having control of a situation.

He had to be constantly wary. Always reassessing a situation to see what could possibly go wrong and how to avoid it.

His therapist had warned him to holding onto these tendencies would hurt him in the Future but all Thomas could thing was what if

What If he let his guard down. What if he let himself be vulnerable. What would happen then?

Thomas wouldn't risk it. He wouldn't dare risk it. He was too afraid of the what ifs.

He would remain wary of everything around him because in his mind the slightest mistake could mean the difference of life and death

Lost One- Teen wolf and The Maze Runner CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now