Sporadic Wave

35 4 14

I walked towards the chain link fence. I was goofing off with my weirdo kohai, Daisha. She is a seventh grader, while I *scoffs* am an eighth grader. This is why she is my kohai.

If you don't know what that is, look it up.

Word from the wise.

That's me.

If you didn't know.

*taps head*

*taps head again*

ANYWAY! So ya, we were talking, goofing off, and walking weird, when we finally reached the fence. I walked through the entrance, gate, door without a door or hinges, thing...and avoided the poles that we occasionally goofed around. Wink* WinkNudge* Nudge*

"Time to go HotGuy Hunting!!!" I yelled. Yes I yelled, I didn't care who was listening, unless it was Wyatt.

Wyatt is the totally hot new guy that nobody thinks is hot except me. Lolz... He is also my SENPAI...and I may or may not stalk him......

The other hot guys include, Georg, Austin (He plays percussion in band.), and Brandon.

So I walked around the building that was on the lunch area. It was a shed that held the items for PE when we went outside. I had just finished lunch, and staring at Wyatt, so I had gone to the lunch area. (This is the super NOT fun version of a playground, and didn't have any playground equipment... So I called it the lunch area.)

The lunch area is where I stalk Wyatt the most.

ANYWAY(Yes.....again), I walked with Daisha around the shed, and watched out for cute guys.

That's when I saw him.



My crush.

The person I may or may not stalk.


"ALERT!!! ALERT!!! ALERT!!!" I yelled to Daisha.

"Where?!" She responded kinda confused. There were VERY few cute guys, as I've said earlier.

I pointed towards the group of people that are slightly less weird than me. "Over there!!!" I should be in that social group, but since senpai is in that social group, and I haven't read Tokyo Ghoul, I can't.

Daisha looked around confused. "Huh?"

"Over there!!!!! The guy in the jacket with multiple colors of grey!"


I waved sporadically at him yelling, "SENPAI!" I shouldn't have done it, but I wasn't thinking..... as always.

To my utter disbelief, but joy, he spotted me and waved back with a confused look on his face. My jaw dropped lower than my brothers grades.

"WOW!!!" I wheezed. Struggling to get breathe.

Daisha has stopped paying attention to me and was talking to one of my other girlfriends, Jacobe, so she didn't see anything.

"SENPAI NOTICED ME!!!! SENPAI WAVED!!!! SENPAI!!!! WAVED!!!! NOTICED!!!" This was the moment that fell flat on my back, although I was already sitting on my r-r-rump *rolls r*.

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