Falling In Reverse

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I went to California for Spring break and got the chance to go to a Falling In Reverse album signing. A few days before I left, their album Coming Home came out(I'm obsessed with that album and have been since it came out) and as I was listening to it, I was scrolling through twitter and came across a tweet from Ronnie's account talking about their Hot Topic album signing that would be going on the day I got to California. Fast forward 2 days to me landing in California and after dropping my bags off at the hotel, my dad and I drove to the Hot Topic at Hollywood and Highland to check out if I could still meet them. I ended up being able to buy the bundle that you needed in order to get the wristband to meet them. The bundle came with a physical copy of the album and a tshirt. I was wearing an All Time Low tshirt since 1. I had a 6 hour flight to get to CA, 2. I didn't know if I would actually get to meet them or not, and 3. I didn't have any Falling In Reverse tshirts to begin with. I got the tshirt and changed into it after I did a little bit of shopping at the store. After dropping my stuff in the car, I got a little bit of food and went to stand in line. I was in line for a while, but I met a few friends and talked to them to pass the time. Eventually, we were split up into groups of about 20 or so people for when we were going to go to meet them. Once your group got to the front of the line, before being brought up to the store, you were told that you weren't aloud to take any pictures with the guys and you were only allowed to get one thing signed. That was upsetting for me, but I'll take one thing being signed rather than nothing. Then my group went up. I was really excited at that point and freaking out a little bit in my head. I was still talking to the girls that I met in line, and we were all so ready to meet them. Once we got to the entrance of the store, there was a person who cut off our wristbands before we actually walked inside so then we didn't get back in line for a second time.

Once I got to the front of the line, I was asked what I wanted signed. I decided on having the front of the lyric booklet thing that's the album cover signed by them. Then I walked over to where they were actually signing the things. The table that they were sitting at was on a platform and we were obviously standing on the ground. The first person at the table was Christian. He signed my album and I was honestly lost for words. Then came Ronnie. I look up to him as a person so much, and even though he's done some things, and people make assumptions and look at him as a bad person, and he's covered in tattoos, he is such an amazing person who has gone through struggles and overcame them and has changed and doesn't care a lot about what people think about him. Because I look up to Ronnie so much, I was a tiny bit starstruck. I was able to talk to him for a min or so though, but that's mostly because he started by saying hi to me. If he didn't, I would've just had a stupid smile on my face and not say anything because of how excited I was. This was kind of weird for me because I've gone to meet and greets before at concerts, and I have no clue why I was lost for words at this one. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really look up and love this band so much, but usually I'm able to actually start by saying hi to them, even if I look up and love them a lot. But anyway, I mainly talked to Ronnie, but I also talked to Derek for a second or two right before I left. After I talked to Ronnie for that min or so, he gave me a high five. Then Zakk was the next person. I didn't say anything to him because again, I was lost for words. And the last person to sign my album was Derek. He said hi to me and I said hi back and how I love the album. Then he gave me a high five, and that was all that happened in the store. After I finished in the store, I was still talking to the girls that I met in line when a group of four guys came up to us. They said how they were in a band that Jake Pitts, from Black Veil Brides(another one of my favorite bands), was managing them and how they have a new single and music video coming out soon. I said how I've seen some of their Instagram posts with some of the vocal recording videos that they've posted and that I'm excited to see the final product when it comes out, which is true. They are in a band called Revelry Gang. The girls and I took this as an advantage to get a picture with them since something told us that they will become big one day. So we got pictures with them and talked to them for a few more minutes. After that, we were trying to figure out a way to meet and hopefully get a picture with the guys from Falling In Reverse.

We decided to go to different places to try to make that happen. The thing is, we kept on getting in trouble by security. We honestly weren't even doing anything wrong, all we wanted was to get a picture. That didn't happen though. But o well, at least we went to the signing. It turns out though that the people at Hot Topic were recording the signing and taking pictures too. The following day, I was scrolling through Instagram and came across their record label's page and saw a bunch of pictures from the signing. It turns out that I was in one of the pictures. The picture that I was in was taken when I was in the middle of giving Ronnie a high five. I was so excited to see that and was freaking out a little bit inside. Fast forward to one week after the signing, I was on YouTube and came across the Hot Topic page and noticed that a new video was posted and it was from the signing, so I immediately clicked on it to watch it. I was in it twice. Once when I was walking in to the store, and the other time was when I gave Ronnie a high five. Again, I was really excited and freaking out a little bit on the inside.

That aw the time that I met Falling In Reverse at a Hot Topic signing! It was such an amazing end to a very long day.

QOTD: Have you ever gone to an album signing anywhere? If so, who was it for?

AOTD: I went to the Falling In Reverse signing


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