Pierce The Veil and Sum 41

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I saw Pierce The Veil and Sum 41 in concert on May 3rd. That was one insane night. Sum 41 and Pierce The Veil were co-headlining a tour and I was lucky enough to go to the May 3rd date with one of my best friends. I've listened to PTV for a while now and have wanted to see them for a bit of time. I don't really remember who the opening acts were but  when Sum 41 started their set, the place went wild. I only knew a few of their songs, as in a few of their old ones, but I definitely became a fan. As their set went on, my friend and I moved to the side up front to get some water, but then moved to the back since it was a bit insane. A small circle pit opened up, and we wanted to avoid that, so we went to the back. After Sum 41's set ended, there was a lot of time to kill before PTV went out. We were both a bit tired, so we were sitting on the stairs in the back while waiting for the show to start again. Once the lights went down and the intro to Texas Is Forever started, we got back up and joined the crowd. We were still in the back, and I kind of regret not moving up more. Everyone went insane once the curtain dropped and they walked on stage. The setup of the stage went like this, Jaime on the left, Mike's drum kit on something that looked like TNT in the back, Vic in the middle in front of Mile, and Tony on the right side. They played a couple of songs and then Vic did an acoustic cover of the song Issues, and talked about how it is about a relationship and the ups and downs of it. They also played one of my favorite songs and dedicated it to the fans who have been around for a long time, and the song was Yeah Boy and Doll Face. That song is such an old one, but it's just so amazing. They did a bunch of other songs such as Dive In, Floral and Fading(another one of my favorites), and many more. The last song before the two encores was Circles. The crowd went crazy and was singing along. After that song ended, they went off for about 5ish mins. Then the lights went down again and the song Hold On Til May started to play. That song is so amazing and just is crazy to hear live. Towards the middle of the song was when Vic stopped and introduced all of the members of the band. Then he finished the song and started introducing the real last song. He said how there was about 3mins and 20secs left that we had together in the room, and that we have to make the most of it. Then the intro for King For A Day started. I was secretly hoping that Kellin Quinn would come out and sing it with them, but that didn't happen. Too bad, but a girl can dream. There was so much crowd surfing and a few pits broke out and everyone just went insane screaming the lyrics back at Vic. After that song was over, the show ended. I bought my t-shirt and I went home. It was late and a school night and my friend was with me, so I sadly couldn't wait outside of the venue to try to meet them. That was one of the most wild concerts I've probably ever been to, and it was so much fun!

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