I'm tired of this shit

23 0 24

OK beware of this
Anyway I'm just tired of this shit the drankin nights the fights the tesing the bullieing the mean shit people say about eachother around me the yelling the sadness the getting hurt physically and emotionally I just fell like shit and I feel like I'm worthless and feel like I disver to die and want to I just just can't handle the stress anymore I want to cry but I can't this is why I write but I just want to make the pain stop I just feel to much I feel like I'm going to throw up and my stomach hurts and I can't eat and I had a little panic attack man I feel like shit I don't think I can eat this week today fight was really bad I can't sleep too ahh fuck what am I going to do my friends at school might find out I hate this I hate this feeling I get wen people yell and fight I hate it but I guess I have to live with it will good night/morning guys

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