【 2/10 】

426 29 13

˗ˏˋ Apology ˎˊ˗

 Craving for ice chocolate at the last minute, you decided to stop by Tok Aba's Kokotiam to get a drink on the way home.

"One special ice chocolate, please!" you ordered excitedly, prompting down on one of the vacant stools available. Well, actually, as of right now, the Kokotiam was deserted, so you were the only customer present.

"Coming right—[N-Name]?!" Cyclone's eyes widened by a fracture, carelessly dropping the piece of cloth he had just used to clean the floor spotless. He seems to be in shock, as if he had just witnessed you rise up from the dead and come back to life.

"Oh, hi Cy! So you're in charge of managing the shop today, huh?" You flashed him one of your biggest smiles that reached from ear to ear. You didn't take notice of the spark in his magnetic eyes cracking.

In fact, you were acting as if nothing happened between you two yesterday! Were you performing reverse psychology by being all friendly just to make him squirm? Because if that was the case, it was definitely working.

"Erhmm. . . yeah!" Cyclone answered, but flinched when he realized that his reply came out a little too loudly than he expected. "Actually, Grandad had to make a few deliveries so. . . erhmm. . . yeah. That's it. Ahaha."

You frowned. Cyclone was acting a little too weird. No, make that a lot weird. Where did your hyper active best friend disappear off to? He was obviously a nervous wreck right now, his eyes darting everywhere but you. Even the usual cheerfulness in his voice was absent.

"Cy, are you feeling alright?" you asked worriedly, leaning over to peer at his face closely. His face glowed a bright red as a result.

That was the last straw.

"[NAME] I'M SO SORRY!" Cyclone suddenly screamed out an apology, scaring the bejesus outta you! He leaped over the counter, tackled you to the ground as if he was conversing in a football game, and fastened you in a solid embrace.

 "Ow! Cyclone! You're putting me on a tight spot!"

Cutsie Wootsie [Cyclone!BoBoiBoy]Where stories live. Discover now