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Unable to focus on her book, Darcy stared at her coffee cup once again. Darsie. Written in bubbly black lettering with a heart over the I. Surely the barista was taking the piss with this one, she thought.

The beads of water rolling down the cup onto the table in front of her, she feared, were not too dissimilar to the beads of sweat running down her nervous brow. Okay, maybe she was being slightly exaggerative.

Nevertheless, Darcy dabbed at her face with a napkin she had nabbed whilst waiting for her large iced vanilla coffee latte with almond milk a shot of something expensive and a side of 'just give me a coffee its too early for this shit.' Who ever thought of having a date in the morning!

She checked her phone realising it was now after twelve, therefore only really counted as morning according to her body clock. Which had been severely affected by the almost all nighter she'd had to pull due to a last minute fight to hit an essay deadline.

Sipping her drink, Darcy thought about abandoning this whole thing. Searching the room again to ensure she hadn't missed her date.

She adjusted her shirt, suddenly feeling slightly uncomfortable under the particularly attentive gaze of a middle aged man two tables over.

She knew what it was like to be stood up by someone. In fact she new all to well what it was like. That was the only reason she hadn't left yet. As nervous as she was she couldn't do that to someone.

The bell rang indicating someone had walked into the cosy coffee shop. Darcy looked up to see who it was. Her eyes locking with bright green pools of familiarity.

"Darcy?" The stranger asked with uncertainty in his voice.

Darcy nodded. "Adam?" He nodded back and made his way over.

One thing was for sure. Darcy was glad she hadn't left.

Blind Date.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora