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To say Darcy was happy she hadn't left was an understatement. She met the strangers gaze. She was completely absorbed by his eyes. They glistened like deep pools of emerald water.
He coughed awkwardly and Darcy realised she had been staring for way too long.
A small smug smile appeared on Adam's face. As he ran a hand through his messy hair. Although Darcy didn't see it as she was now staring at her drink like it was the most interesting thing in the room. Her cheeks turning a deep shade of red.
"I'll um, just nip and get a drink gorgeous." Her head shot up and he winked as he turned away to join the queue.
Gorgeous!? She thought, hadn't he seen the mess he'd walked in on? This was Darcy's 'shit I over slept and have 10 minutes to get ready look' that she regularly wore.

She stared over at the godly being now stood looking up at the menus on the other side of the room. This gave her the opportunity to check him out properly. Her eyes running over him so she could take him all in. The more she looked at his perfectly tousled dark brown hair, the sprinkle of perfect stubble on his face and then his broad shoulders holding up his tree trunk arms, the quicker her anxiety's creeped in. What was her bestie Ally thinking setting her (a 3 on good day) up with this godly 10.. thousand on a bad day!? She thought.
He grabbed his coffee. His iced coffee and made his way over, Darcy turned to her drink once again trying to make herself look busy.

"Interesting read is it?" He sat down in front of her an amused look on his face.
"Hm? Oh! Haha yeah I just can't get over how they spelt my name." She played that off pretty well she thought. Showing him the cup with the weird spelling on it. He let out a quick breath, smiling.
"Well at least they got mine right." Turning his cup to show me. Darcy skimmed the name on it.
"Yea.." She whipped her head back to read it again. Realising it quite clearly did not say Adam.
Adam chuckled seeing the look on Darcy's face. There in bold black letters was the word sorry.
"I wanted to say sorry for being late." He looked a little sheepish now. Looking down at his own drink.
"It's okay, I was about to leave you're lucky you came when you'd did." She replied rolling her eyes.
"I can see that." Adam said looking back up at her now.
What did he mean by that. Was he being sarcastic? Darcy had dealt with so much sarcasm over the years her ability to read it was almost none existent.
"You know if you want to leave now you've seen me, I'd completely understand." Her self doubt had taken over control of her mouth. She looked down playing with her hands.
"What do you mean now I've seen you? If anything I'm glad I actually came." What Adam said sent something through Darcy. A mixture of butterflies and curiosity. Something took over his better instincts and before he knew it Adam reached out and lifted Darcy's chin with his forefinger and thumb. "I'm telling you, Ally really didn't do you justice when she told me about you." He smiled sweetly.
Darcy smiled a small smile back, taking in a deep breath and releasing some of the tension from her shoulders she hadn't realised she was holding onto.
"You're not too bad either. I was dreading the idea of a blind date if I'm honest."
Adam's smile widened. "Me too, but I trust Ally. She's a good judge of character."
He was was right. Darcy thought. She'd never known her to be wrong about anyone.
"She is, we've been friends since high school and she's been right about every guy I've ever been interested in." Darcy's face was impassive as she thought back to some of the awful crushes she'd had in the last 5 years.
Adam looked slightly sorry, if not concerned for her. As if he'd already found himself hating the thought of Darcy upset.
She was looking down at her hands again so he used the opportunity to look her over and drink her in for the thousandth time since he'd talked himself into coming.
Her long thick brown hair was perfectly falling around her face, framing her best features. Darcy's deep green eyes with flecks of gold around the edge were mesmerising and her lips perfectly pink with the odd freckle dotted around her complexion like constellations. Adam looked as though he wanted to study them.
No doubt she was beautiful, but he had a feeling she wasn't aware of just how beautiful she was. His eyes wondered further down, taking in the gorgeous red shirt Darcy wore. Hugging her everywhere he wished he could. He shook himself and had a sip of his drink to try and cool himself.

"Don't worry we've all had those!" Alex said trying to lighten the mood.
"True. Anyway! Tell me about yourself?"
Darcy was desperately trying to steer the conversation away from her awful and none existent love life.
"What do you want to know?" Adam replied with ease.
"Hmm.. lets start with favourite colour?"
"Sure, mines definitely red!" His eyes flicking to her shirt again. "Yours?" Darcy pondered for a minute.
Looking deep into Adam's eyes. She finally replied "Emerald green.. I find it mesmerising."

They chatted and drank coffee for the next few hours. Once they had broken the ice, the conversation came easily. Turns out much to Darcy's surprise they had a lot in common. Adam's taste in music, films and food were very similar to her own, fuelling the conversation further. Their drinks were long gone but neither of them noticed. Too interested in each other's lives to care.
Eventually, a barrister came over, interrupting their conversation. "Sorry love birds, but we've got to close up soon!"
Darcy's cheeks flared up a bright red at the affectionate nickname. Where as Adam just said "No worries and started to gather his things."
Darcie finally looked at her phone for the first time in the 3 hours she'd be sat there. 5 missed calls and 10 text messages from Ally. No doubt she was wondering how the date had gone. She read the time on the screen and gasped.
"How the hell did it get to 3 o'clock!?" She stood up and started to get her coat on as well.
Adam smirked over at her "Time flies when you're having fun gorgeous." Sending Darcy's cheeks a flame all over again.
Darcy imitated him in a childish way she was pretty sure she hadn't done since she was in primary school.
"Time flies when you're having fun.." mumbling the last bit.
Adam chuckled at her childishness "So this might be a little forward. But how would you feel about a second date?"
She looked at him to see if he was playing a trick on her, but by all counts he seemed genuine and she had definitely wanted to go on a another date with him. Darcy thought about it for a second. What did she have to loose?

"Sure, when were you thinking?" She asked as they made their way out of the coffee shop.


Blind Date.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant