Communist Revolution

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The next morning is calm enough, just the average amount of bitching from Bitchy before we head to school. The morning is uneventful as well until I get to Me. Tailor's class.

I'm still insecure from the incident last night. In an attempt to figure out what the deal is, I asked Haley for advice, But she just said my time will come. Easy for her to say, she's basically found her soul mate.

Now though, I'm in Tailor's class, and Tailor makes us salute whenever another teacher walks in. For that reason, everyone's standing up, saluting. Just a bit ago, some of my friends, or those who like my books, asked about my books, and it felt... really sincere. Maybe it's all in my head?

As soon as Tailor is out of the room, I hear the timid voice say, "look, they looked at the books. Just lay low and be quiet. Don't overstep. You're not a person to them."

No. The compliments have filled me with confidence. I'm done being afraid. I'm gonna make a joke.

I muster my best 'communist' impression and ask, "comrades! Are you ready for communist revolution?"

The class loses their shit. Everyone bursts out laughing and struggles to hold it together. I smile, my insecurity melting away as I'm appriacated for my quick wit and humor.

The timid voice is silent.

When everyone is quiet, Joey asks, "you ready for the communist revolution Leo?"

And we lose it again. I smile, and the timid voice is just gone. I think for a moment, and look back at my novels, at how everyone loves them and actually seems to like me. I finally realized that I'm not just a book to them, and...

That Gen and I need to talk about him leaving....

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