The Reason

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Have you ever wondered, as characters, why me and Gen and I torment Leo? Well... Leo wasn't always the unstable, megalomaniac he is today. It all started, when I first came into being.

I still remember that day. It was when Leo was four. Maybe five. I didn't check. I remember that, when I first came into being, Leo was happy. Oh, how happy he was. He had just finished his first story.

I still remember that day. What a day it was. He was soooo proud of himself. What he experienced, was bliss. It was the first time he was ever truly happy. He didn't fear Bitchy's harsh words or Isaiah's teasing. He felt free. Even if the story was shit fanfiction, it was his, and he has it commited to memory.

Leo began making OCs, who he readapted over the years until he started his novel. The first book he wrote for this series he's mentioned writing, was when he was ten. How happy, oh how happy he was to finish that book. It was about this time, he became more popular at school. He has something he never had at home...

Love. He felt loved. There was no hate, no rage. Things were good, until he turned twelve. That's when I met my brother.

It all started when Bitchy was screaming at him about a C. It was around this time he did a lot of writing in school. She degraded him, insulted him, and then she attacked his writing.

That's when my brother came into being. He introduced himself to me, and we got along pretty well. It was then we began discussing our plan, and I got Gen up to speed on something I'd been working on.

About one year later, Leo met Andrew. Who's Andrew? Andrew is Leo's REAL brother. Like his sisters, Andrew is REAL family to Leo. Not some fake blood-tie bull shit. Him and Andrew met at school, and became friends almost instantly.

They were both writers you see, and they both had good ideas, but working together made them great. However, one year later, they both moved. Without Andrew, Leo became increasingly insecure and thirsty for praise and attention. He loves the spotlight, and loves he power he feels in it. He craves it, and someday...

Oh, sorry, I was about to spoil Leo's plan. Not yet, but we'll get there.

My Brother and I began to discuss, and we made a plan. Leo was beyond help as he was then but...

What if one of us took the reigns? The plan was simple. As Leo begins to crack, we offer to let him fully snap. Either writing to maintain a will to live, by giving my brother control, or writing to escape and...

Nope. Can't say that yet! Oh, it'll be such a fun day! Oh, even I want to see the day when that happens, and I'm just a character!

At his new school, Leo became THE writer. THE kid with the pen. The go to guy for a good story. However, he thought that was all he was until recently.

I wish my brother had taken the reigns. He needed a win. He did try to kill himself. The charater mind you, in the fiction.


Actually he may have tried to do that while in control, so maybe not.

Then, Leo began to question something while talking to his sisters. Why were their parents so nice?

The more he looked, the more he saw that people LIKED their families, something he'd given up on long ago. When Shawn insulted his writing along WITH Isaiah. The double whammy is what got to him. That's when he swore justice would be served...

The more he looked, the more he saw Bitchy was, well, a bitch. I mean, how could I not make that joke? He realized he had been abused, and he realized he could DO SOMETHING.

Leo made a plan. I can't say everything, but his plan, was to publish a book ASAP. Then, when he has money, use that money to gain power, and that power, to make Isaiah and Bitchy PAY. He actually has a little fantasy he plays out sometimes. Also, he wanted to publish a very SPECIFIC book. Oh, you'll know it when you see it. Trust me.

OK Leo. You're back. Show them the day you dream of.

My book is published, and my bags are packed. I've waited for so long. Today's the day. I'm finally free.

With my notebooks in my backpack, and my other, less valuable possessions in a suitcase, I approach the door. I don't notice, or care, if Shawn is there, but I make sure Joseph isn't home. No kid should see what comes next. No kid his age.

I open the door.

"Where are you going?" Bitchy demands.

"Bitch," I smile a mad grin and look at her with wild eyes, "fuck off. Fuck you. I've always hated you, and now, everyone knows what you did. I'll see you in court."

"The fuck did you just say!?!" Isaiah demands.

If Shawn is there, he's to shocked to move.

"Oh you, I'm not gonna call you dad and put up this damnable facade any longer. I want you to watch very closely," are the words I say followed by flipping the bird with both hands.

"None of you at going to move," I continue as my body guard reveals himself from around the corner, "this fine gentlemen has been hired to assure I can say what needs to be said without fear, and oh, I have so much to say to you. Mom, no, bitch, fuck you. There's a special place in Hell for people like you, and I will laugh when you for down there. Everyone knows of your sins now, and soon, you'll be arrested for them. Old bastard... actually, nah, jackass is fine. You're not AS bad as the bitch, but I still hate you. I've gotten my book published, and now my career has began. So I'll say this. I hate you all, always have, always will, and you're never getting a cent of my money. I'm going to become powerful, and it's already begun. I don't need you anymore. I'm going to watch you all suffer, and if you EVER have the AUDACITY to ask for my help, I will look you in the eye and whisper, 'no'. Farewell, Rot in Hell, and I'll pray for you that YOU MAKE IT DOWN THERE."

My bodyguard and I leave. I order him to stop any attempts to follow us as I get in my car, driven by an Uber driger, and we go to the airport. We fly away to California maybe. Hawaii. New York. Anywhere, ANYWHERE but where I am. I make arrangements to be adopted by a family if I'm under eighteen at the time, change my name, and dissapear. With that...

I'm finally free.

But that hasn't happened yet. I still have a novel to right. I may be two-thirds done but...

It may run longer than I would like...

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