Act eight

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~ Meanwhile ~

Bal: (with Jack) Where's Gao bal?

Jack: Hmm... He's busy now...

Bal: Busy bal? 

Jack: Yes. He has some work to do with Tasuku

Bal: Work bal? What kind of work bal?

Jack: Eh... I can't tell you, Bal...

Bal: Jack you're hiding from Bal something bal.

Jack: That's not true, Bal...

Bal: Bal wanna help bal!

Jack: We can't do anything about this work, Bal.

Bal: Hmm... But why would Gao have work with Tasuku bal?

Jack: (sweatdrops thinking) How can I explain that Gao and Tasuku are...

Bal: I'll help them bal.

Jack: You don't know even where they are

Bal: Don't worry. Bal has this bal (pull out his dragon thing like on the picture)

Jack: Are you sure that it works for humans, Bal?

Bal: Oh no! Bal forgot that Gao is human (disappoint)

Jack: It's fine, Bal. I'll treat you pizza now.

Bal: Pizza bal! (spark)

Jack: (grin) Yes. Let's go.

Bal: (happy) Yay pizza bal (forgot about Gao)

Jack: You owe me one, Gao, Tasuku... 

~ They both go to buy pizza for Bal ~


I hope you like it...

Next act is coming soon... ^^

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