Windclaw's POV 12 part 3

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"I doubt that." Sam scoffed.

"Try me" I challenged. If Chronox controlled me I'd fight it, I'd rather die than let anyone else I care about die.

"Go on Chronox" Sam said. I gasped as Chronox became in control, my other eye turning pink. I struggled to stay in control, my head feeling like it was on fire with pain as I fought it. Sam grinned.

"W-windy?" Aliza asked fearfully.

"I-Wont-Let-Him-In!" I struggled to say, falling to my knees in pain as Chronox began to push me back. I was losing, I was failing at staying in control.

"I've got him." Chronox said, my own consiousness was thrown back-away from control as Chronox took over. 'No! I cant lose!' I thought frantically.

"now. It's time to get rid of a little flea" Sam said, gesturing to Aliza.

"of course" Chronox purred, standing up. Then he scowled.

"this kids gotten tougher" He said. I was working towards busting back out, even though it seemed to hardly faze Chronox.

"W-windy... Help..." Alia whimpered.

"Its alright, so have you." Sam said, handing Chronox the knife.

"Simply kill the girl? Does it have to be quick or slow?" Chronox asked.

"hmmm. Nice and slow to see if luci comes to help her~" Sam said. Chronox grinned. I was helpless with everything. If only Gabe was here-I'd have been so much better.

"Alright." He said, stepping up to Aliza, knife held in my hand.

"windclaw... Snap out of it!!" Aliza exclaimed fearfully.

"He can't do anything sweets. He's under my complete control." Chronox said, smirking as he made a cut down her arm. She hissed as blood trickled down her arm. I smiled and made a deeper cut on her other arm, completely unable to control myself as Chronox hurt my friend.

"I've.... Been... Ripped... Apart by... Hell hounds... I've had.. Worse" She hissed at me.

"Ah, but hell hounds arnt your friends now are they?" Chronox sneered, sticking the knife in her shoulder. She yelled out in pain before glaring at me.

"come on fucker. Rip me apart" She challenged. my eyes flashed gold and I felt something new stir in me, something frightening.

"Do you want me to~?" Chronox purred.

"I dare you." She challenged.

"Sammy, Dean. You may wanna step out. Take lil' Eliza with" He said, my eyes sticking gold now. He grinned, claws appearing on his hands and his feather wing turned webbed

"This is going to be fun~" he purred, swiping a clawed hand down her side

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