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Why do you keep hating me after all?

Why do you keep breaking me even more than I already am?

Why do you keep making me doubt my living?

Why do you make me want to kill myself everytime you look at me?

Why did you have to destroy me?

Why can't you stop hating me?

Why do you hate me?

Why did you have to break someone who didn't deserve to be broken?

Why did you choose to break me at the moment you did?

Why can't you see that you have already killed me?

Why can't I escape from you?

Why did you do what you did at the most horrid part of my life?

Why do you still continue to hurt me?

Why do I put up a false image when around you?

Why am I so weak?

Why do you keep tormenting me?

Why do you keep killing me internally and externally?

Why are you like this?

Since when did you become a monster?

Why did you become a monster?

Why must you keep hurting innocent people?

Why did you do this?

Did you ever care about me?

Was I ever important to you?

Answer me.


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