Tape 2 > Jake

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Word count ( 471 words)

Welcome to tape 2. Jake Paul. My best friend. We were both new this year and when the counselor called us both in i didn't think we would be friends. At first we were just acquaintances, if i'm being honest we didn't even really get along. but oh boy did that all change. We became the best of friends quick, we hung out almost every day, until she happened. You started dating Meredith. The thing is, i didn't even hear it from you, i heard it from everyone else in school. Maybe it wouldn't have hurt so bad if you had the balls to tell me yourself but you didn't. It got even worse when you stopped hanging out with me because i wasn't cool enough for you anymore. My single only friend had ditched me and even begun to bully me. Boy, were you a dick head or what? Remember that time i shower up to your should to check up on you cause we hadn't hung out in a while and all your new guy friends opened the door and beat the shit out of me while you laughed from inside? Some friend you are huh. Jake you really fucking hurt me man, you knew my secrets, you knew about my whole past yet, you betrayed me the worst than everyone else. But you know what, none of the shit matters now because by the time your hearing this, i'm already dead. ....And it's partly your fault.
Holy shit. i never even knew him and jake were close like that. well i guess i don't know a lot huh. As i was about to put the next tape in my mom knocked on the door, like she did every hour.  i guess shes making sure i dont kill my self or something. it's a sweet gesture but it's getting annoying i'm trying to get through these tapes. " come in mom". She gently pushed open the door smiled slightly. " hi sweetie how's it going. dinners ready so come down whenever your ready." i just nodded my head and i assume she took the hint because she just left quietly. of course i wasn't doing down for dinner, i had a whole box of tapes to finish. Before that though, i should probably call Andy.

hola amigos. long time no see. i haven't been on this app in a hella long time but it's 5 am and i decided why the hell not. i dont even remember how the book or show went so i made up my own story like i'm pretty sure. it's like whatever though. Any who im going to try be best to actually finish the whole book( it probably won't happen but you never know) alrighty that's all for now adiós putas

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