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Castiel's p.o.v

When I wake up the next morning I expect everyone to be crowded in my room yelling at me, but that's not the case.

Instead I wake up to the music in my room and thats it....something doesn't seem right.

Its not till I look at the clock and see that everyone but sam and I have their classes.

I head down stairs and see sam eating some fruit while on his lap top, like usual.

I grab a little bottle of orange juice from the fridge and chug most of it down.

Its silent for a couple minutes before sam speaks " so.....where were you last night?" Sam says and I look over to him and he's already staring at me.

Flashes of last night come to mind and I blush a little and have to get pulled out of my thoughts by sam snapping at me.

"Were you with a boy?" He smirks and I just nod at him and his smirk grows. " leaving work for a boy! Scandal" he jokes and we both laugh a bit.

"Actually, they fired me. Didnt fit the image.....once again"I sigh and sit down next to sam at the table.

"Im sorry cas....I'll help you look for a new job" I just shake my head "it's just so annoying sam, am I just not a likeable person?" I ask.

"Well if that were true you wouldn't have had a one night stand last night" sam says and I smile a bit.

"It wasn't a one night stand. We kissed..." " that hickey sayd other wise" sam says and I blush a bit covering my neck.

"Fine.....there was a bit more than kissing a little....movement, but clothes were on the whole time and it didn't last very long" I state.

When I look back up sam is still smriking at me and I gare at him and grab one of his grapes throwing it at his forehead.

"Rude!" He says throwing it back and I catch it in my mouth and smile at him. With a roll of he eyes he's focused on his lap top again.

"So did you at least get his name?" He speaks up and I nod swallowing my orange juice. "His name is mike, even though he looked nothing like a mike".

"Well im happy for you, its been a long while since you even let anyone hold your hand"

I only nod thinking back. I dont like too, but sometimes it just happens and I can't control it.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I smile up at sam as he gives me a sympathetic smile back.

"Thanks sam" I say and he gives me a nod before removing his hand and going back to the laptop.

" are you working on school work?" I ask " no. Im working on a case, well I found a case and Im just trying to figure some things out" .

I decide to go watch some tv so I leave to the living room and flop down onto the couch.

I flip through some channels before I land on the movie 'Accepted'. Smiling, I turn the tv up and focus on the screen in front of me.

"Cas?" Sam yells and I look over the couch to him and nod for him to go on. "I need to go work on this case, I'll be back in a few hours probably" .

I only nod as he goes up stairs and I go back to the movie, soon enough sam is all suited up and leaves with a simple 'goodbye' .


"We're back!"

I haven't moved from my place on the couch at all today, Im calling today my lazy day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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