Main OC: Marked

15 1 2

Number of World/AUs she is in: 5
Main world: Morthderes (you can read her story on here! I have the first 3 parts up!)
AUs: Uproar, Default Guard, 2193 (Created with a friend of mine on Deviant Art) MLP(on a rp website which is unfortunately closing down come June 30th)
Ages in each world:
Morthderes: 18(When her story starts)19-20(When her story ends)
Uproar: 18(when the story starts) 60(Currently) 36(Looks like because of the crazy government in that world)
Default Guard: 18(When story starts) 20-23(Currently)
2193: 20(Currently)
MLP: 19(Currently)
Martial/Relationship status in all worlds:
Morthderes: Married
Uproar: Married
Default Guard: In a relationship
2193: Single
MLP: In a long term Partnership(On the rp site)
Children in all the worlds:
~4, 3 girls and 1 boy
~Oldest to youngest: Zelleistra, Yuukanna, Calista, Ohma.
~2, Both girls
~Oldest to youngest: Calista, Temperance
Default Guard:
~2, girl and a boy
~Oldest to youngest: Yashimo and Miyana
2193: None
~3, 2 girls and a boy
~Oldest to youngest: (adopted)Rodney, Lilly Blossom, (Blood)Lona Star Snow
Siblings in all the worlds:
Morthderes: 2, Benedict and Liyra
Uproar: 3, Benedict, Ichijirushi fu, and Zarria Starr
Default Guard: 2, Benedict and Liyra
2193: 1, Benedict (he is not seen or mentioned much)
MLP: 1, Edith Bluestone
Personality: (In all worlds)
Marked is head strong and strong willed. She cares deeply for people in need and is always trying to help. She puts her friends and family first before herself. She would rather see the people she loves happy then in sorrow. She believes that the people that are dear to her happiness is more important than her own. She is selfless and always tries to protect others. Her empthy is well known to those she is close to. She loves to make people laugh and smile. Her heart is pure and kind and she can't stand to see someone sad. She can't ignore when people are in need. She tries to always do what it right.
Role in each world:
Morthderes: Knight princess, Main character, Mother
Uproar: Gang lead, Family protector, Mother, Main character
Default guard: Hunter, Main character
2193: Scientist, Main charater
MLP: Mother, Noble, Alicorn, Main character

Role in each world:Morthderes: Knight princess, Main character, MotherUproar: Gang lead, Family protector, Mother, Main characterDefault guard: Hunter, Main character2193: Scientist, Main charaterMLP: Mother, Noble, Alicorn, Main characterAppearan...

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Default Guard: (2 forms)Human

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Default Guard: (2 forms)

Default Guard: (2 forms)Human

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If there is anything I forgot about her, I will add it in later

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If there is anything I forgot about her, I will add it in later.

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