Before The War

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Before the war of unity, there was two political parties trying both with one man trying win the election for Commander and Chief of Dimension Thirty-Two's Interdimensional Army.  The two men who were prime candidates was Nikki Mooney, part of the Democratic Party while the other person is Jefferson Alexander, he is part of the Republican Party.  These two men consistently argued and always went at eachother's throats, regardless of how childish the situation was.  When they were kids, they argued, but it was mostly just kids having an argument with other kids, and nothing too special, but one day they got into an argument late into their college educations.  And with them going to the same college together, that didn't really help the situation at hand.  At the college pre-graduation ceremony, Nikki and Jefferson both declared that one of them would succeed to making it at the rank of "Commander and Chief" for their dimension's army.  This is where things began to take a turn for the worst.  Eventually, Nikki got tired of Jefferson and fled to another dimension in the year, 3799 to try and live out a new life.

**Writer's Note**

Please keep in mind that the name: "Jefferson Alexander" is a name I came up with, and I will completely refuse to change it unless there is a court case involved.

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