The Presidents Are On Your Side

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"Damnit!!" Jefferson Alexander says as he slams his fist onto the table. Jefferson starts ranting: "First, that damned bastard comes back after a year, finds an old friend and did god knows what, gets some acknowledgement from the president of the same academy I just graduated from AND acknowledgement from the president of the dimension, and now he announced that him and his friend are going to be running for the positions I wanted!", but wait, there's more: "Nickolas wants to be Commander and Chief meanwhile, his friend Callie Hinson is going to be running for vice position of Commander and Chief, so what are the odds that almost everyone who heard about their announcement supported them?!"  Jefferson shouts loudly, "Damn you Nickolas, you'll rue the day you ever came back!!"  Jefferson Alexander mumbles under his breath, "What comes next?"

After the announcement that they'll run for Commander and Vice Commander, Nickolas and Callie go over to Nickolas' place and start talking about how they'll exactly prove that they're worthy of those titles.  They get to brainstorming, and Callie comes up with an amazing idea: Callie heard about some boiling tension with Dimension Thirty Two and Thirty Three's leaders getting in some intense arguments about the strongest armies and debating which Dimension should be the first to try and conquer the Hellish Dimension that is drifting around the power reactor for Inter-Space.  Callie also added, "If the two leaders keep going at it, eventually, they'll have a war to decide who has the stronger army.  And that'll give us a chance to show our worth!"  Nickolas responds with a slightly worried expression, "But the President might not be wanting new recruits though."  Acting confident, Callie says, "Oh, I doubt it, you're worrying too mu-"  Before Callie could finish her sentence, someone loudly knocked on the door.  Callie ran up to the door to answer it and she was met with a messenger of the Dimension's president.  The man gives Callie a flier and runs off.  Callie reads the flier aloud, "Dimension Thirty Two's president invites you to a special meeting with your truly, President James Walters.  I hope to see you there!"  She flips around the flier and notices a small box with some text: "Deliver to Nickolas Mooney or Callie Hinson of the Interdimensional Academy for Army/Monster Hunter Training"  The two go outside and open an Inter-Portal and fly to the President of the dimension's main base of operations.  

They land at the front of the main gates of the primary building and are met with security.  Two security guards grab the two by their arms, but just when they did, they saw the president, James Walters run to them.  He's shouting and yelling at the two guards that grabbed them.  After all the yelling, Mr. Walters gives his apologizes and walks with the two into his head office.  Nickolas and Callie ask where the others are, and learn that it is only them and that one other duo.  A few minutes pass and the young duo were met with two people they never expected that would work together: Jefferson Alexander and Sebastian Madison.  The three men all give each other a 'Go to hell look', while Callie and James Walters look at each other with complete confusion.  After things get a little less tense, President Walters states that Dimensions Thirty two and Thirty Three are at the verge of war, while Dimension Thirty One is planning on helping Dimension Thirty Two with the war.  President Walters asks for Jefferson's and Sebastian's help, but the both decline, saying that they have better plans.  President Walters asks the same question to Nickolas and Callie.  They accept it.  President Walters allows Jefferson Alexander and Sebastian Madison the right to leave and they gladly do.  The two are then escorted to the front gate and leave.  President Walters, Nickolas, and Callie all start talking about how they plan on attempting to stop the war or how to win the potential war.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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