Moon Rise : Drink 2 || L.L. Montez

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"Have you ever seen Juno? I bet you haven't. She's elusive. That's ninety percent of her appeal.

"She's tall. Enormous. At least a head taller than me. Her body is ripe like the plumpest fruit. That day, when she first stood from her throne, I would have pledged to die for her right there. Her garments were completely sheer. You could see her thick, curved body right through the gauzy material that rested on her luscious frame like moon-dust falling over shadowed planets. I couldn't pull my eyes away from her full, round breasts with areolae as dark as deep space. Her waist curved in and her hips shot out like the birth of twin nebulas. Those hips, oh Cosmos, those lines that mimicked bursting stars were made for my hands. Her arms were naked except for the gold she had embedded in them. I always loved those swirled contours that gather at her shoulders and spread across her arms and fingers. Those gold bands were my favorite part of her to caress. Besides other parts. Actually, there were no favorite parts, it was all my favorite.

"She stood before me and spoke again. 'You have been saved from the Universal Slave Markets by Juno's generosity and power. You are a free man again.'

"She paused, expecting something of me. I didn't know what to say, so I looked down at my naked feet and tenting garb.

"She continued, 'Earthen, Juno has freed you and now she offers you a choice: You may either depart the Olympi at the next planet to begin your journey alone in the wild, cruel universe, or you may stay within the safety of Juno's ship and earn your keep. You will work to assist Juno in her mission to save the other Earthen stolen from the Mother Planet.'

"I easily succumbed to the smile from the powerful, mostly naked woman. Her face was stunning. It was round and soft with large lips that pouted out lusciously, allowing bright white teeth to peek through rouge-painted lips. I wanted to slide my finger across those lips, I remember that so distinctly. Her hair was fire red and twisted in strands that sat up on her head as noble as any crown. Golden fillets crossed over and held the bright pieces in place.

"She looked down at me and spoke again, 'You have your options, Earthen. What do you choose?'

"I didn't know what to say to her, so I stayed silent.

"She gave me one final chance, one more warning before her voice lowered and she stared at me with dark eyes and deepest irritation.

"I didn't want to stay there, but I sure as hell didn't want to wander the universe alone either. I said the first thing that came to mind even though it wasn't true. 'I want to go home.'"

"She looked away, receding back into her golden chair. 'That is impossible. There is no voyage back to Earth. That is one option you do not have.'

"I shrugged my shoulders, 'I know how to get home.'

"Confused, she turned back to face me. 'How?'

"I told her that my mother taught me to watch the stars as her mother taught her and her father taught her. I could find my way back.

"'Prove it.'

"With one of the Gilded Legion at my back poking me forward, I followed her. My eyes never left the rhythmic sway of her hips and her full, round ass. Oh, whatever Universal Ruler and God you hail, my friend, thank It for creating sights like that. One day you might see her and know what I mean. Back then, I was too afraid to reach out. I wished I was bolder. I wished I could've walked up next to her, pressed my body against hers, run my hands over the swell of her hips through that soft fabric that hardly existed and just not have been such a spineless germ about it.

"She led me to the control deck where her pilot stood watching the open space ahead.

"'Show Juno,' she demanded, 'and she will take you home.'

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