New Start

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I always hated the fact that I let my parents control every inch of my life. It was always what they wanted, whether it was who I hung out with, who I dated, even my damn appearance. "No Susy you can't hang out with those kids they look like a bad influence." "No Susy you may not date that guy, he doesn't seem to have a bright future." "No Susy you should straighten your hair, it looks more put together then your natural curly hair." Everything was a NO from my parents, I understand them trying to do what they believe is best for me, but fuck I couldn't handle this anymore. When I graduated high school  I even let them pick which school I went to, UC San Francisco, but that was a little bit too close to home since my parents lived in Oakland legit only a couple miles away.  So I decided I needed to make a change and get far away from my parents as soon a possible.

I always loved Los Angeles so it came to no surprise that my dream school is actually UCLA, so for my junior year of college I decided to transfer. It's a good 300 miles away from my hometown so my parents wouldn't be able to just pop up on me whenever they felt like it. I had to do a lot of convincing for my parents to let me transfer, since they are paying for most of my school, but once I showed them that they had the program I wanted to join they finally caved in.

It's August, only a couple more weeks for fall semester to start and couple more days for my 21st birthday. I don't expect to do much since I'm a new student and don't know anyone, hopefully I'll hit it off with my new roomie. I walk into my new dorm, it's empty so I'm guessing the girl  isn't here yet, I start unpacking everything and when I'm almost done I hear a knock at the door, I go to open it and find a girl starring at me with a huge smile.
She's really pretty, blonde straight hair, green eyes, porcelain skin and great body. Very different looking than me. I had more of a tan skin, curly dark brown hair and brown eyes to match. "Hey I'm Briana, but everyone calls me Bri I'm guessing you're my roommate?" I quickly nodded and responded, "hey I'm Susy and yea I'm your roommate"
"Susy, that's a cute name is it short for something?"
"Yea, well my full name is Susana, but I prefer Susy."
"Why if you don't mind me asking?"
I honestly didn't wanna give her an explanation on why I prefer Susy, but I guess if I want to make new friends I should be more open.
"I just never liked my name to be honest, and people don't ever pronounce it right, it's basically spelt out the way it's supposed to sound."
She looked at me a little confused so I explained myself further.
"Okay so for example a lot of my teachers see my name and basically just call me Susan, totally disregarding that my name has an A at the end. I guess I just hate that people white wash my name." We both just laughed and Bri said, "Chica I know how you feel people take one look at me and just assume I'm white when in reality I'm Colombian.' I was in utter shock I just assumed she was white also. After more hours of talking and unpacking, our hungry stomachs grew louder than our laughter.
"We should go to in n out!" Bri said a little bit too excited, I nodded yes and we were on our way. I ordered a cheese burger plain, I know I'm a basic bitch, but while waiting for my order to be called these two guys caught my eye. They were both cute one had a pineapple tattoo with some really hot dimples, while the other was way lighter than him and also had tattoos.
"Do you see something you like?" Bri said with laughter.
"Haha yea I guess the guy with the pineapple tattoo is really cute"
"Go talk to him!"
"Bri no! I'm honestly really shy and what if I'm not his type and he rejects me!"
"Susy you are gorgeous and you need to stop being a little pussy! Come on, look you get his number and I'll get the other one."
"I don't know Bri"
"Look I'll do all the talking first like that you can get an idea on how to talk to pineapple dude." I just nodded yes, Bri grabbed my arm and we walked up to them.
"Hey my name is Bri, and I just wanted to say I really dig your tattoos, and I'm new to LA and just wanted to make a few new friends" she said in a flirty smile to the lighter skinned guy. I was honestly jealous of her confidence I could never just do that.
"Hey my name is Sawyer and this is my brother Adym." Adym just smiled at us and waved, I just froze until I heard "number 65!" That was my order, I just walked off without saying a word I could feel Bri starring at my soul at this point I didn't know if should find a table on my own or try to join them I really didn't want Adym to see me devour this burger.
"Susy ! Come here they said we can join them!"
Oh god no, I could see Bri getting annoyed so I just went over to them.
"Um there's not enough room for four people at this table" I said looking at Bri.
"Yea I know I'm going to sit here with Sawyer and Adym found you guys a table outside" she had such a big smirk on her face. I just rolled my eyes and made my way outside, "hey over here" I hear a voice call out to me, I could feel myself start to get sweaty I get so nervous talking to new guys especially hot ones like him. I sat down across from him and we both stared at each other awkwardly for a minute. So this conversation could go both of two ways, really great or fucken horrible, I'm really hopping for the first option.

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