Who is the asshat that made creative titles a rule?

431 8 5

Question: Why does the stranger who made this tag want to know about me?
P.S. Does that count as a creative title?

1. I just woke up from a dream about being late for school and having thousands of baby spiders bite the back of my hand. It was weird. They were dead on my arm and I washed them off with water. Then my skin began to bloat and get red and it cracked like dried skin and I'll stop now.

2. I am feeling very cynical right now... This is bad.

3. I play video games a lot •3•

4. Horizon: Zero Dawn ftw

4. I have possibly 50+ incomplete characters in my head that I have yet to put into existence (and what Hell that will be for all of us)

5. I have reaaaallly dark humor

6. I stress about a lot of things, including replying to singular comments on all my stories (I'm afraid I come off as repetitive and that terrifies me)

7. I despise my current state of existence

8. I have caught up with all the episodes of Rick and Morty and didn't have to suffer the year-long wait

9. I am dreading the end of this list because I don't know 15 people to tag

10. Please rid me of the feral hell that is my wretched, pathetic excuse of a functional school ( this is what happens when you transfer from a private school to an american public school kids )

11. I made numbers 1-10 when I woke up so my mind wasn't fully intact, I apologize ;3;

12. Please do not judge me ;-;

13. I think I may have doubled a number accidentally so enjoy this extra fact :D

Tags: Anybody. I won't tag anyone specific (totally not because I'm afraid people I tag don't really know me and would just be like 'who dis bitch?' ) but if ya wanna do it, by all means! •u•
( What kind of social god has 15 friends? )

I was tagged by @heyitsbloom

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