part eighteen

46 1 4

(this chapter will also be in Ashton's POV bc it will make more sense that way, also warning, disturbing character coming up 😂)

Ashton's pov

I woke up before Michael this morning, wasn't often I did but I didn't sleep very well last night "morning babe" I heard him say "oH morning" "sleep well?" he asked me "okay I guess, did you?" "Yeah..For me it was okay too. I had a good time last night..I mean before everything kicked off" "yeah..It was something"  "I know right, what a bombshell" "you can say that again" "but before Nick came in..Did you have fun?" "Definitely, did you?" I asked with a smile "yeah, it was amazing. It always is with you" "awee.." he chuckled and stretched "my back aches though" "you're getting oldddd" I teased him and he rolled his eyes playfully "I'm just not used to benching over, it's just new to me" "oH.. Well still old ya know" "I'm one year older than you, you dick" he giggled "I knowwwww, but still. Nearly a twenty year old" "don't fucking remind me, it's my last teen year" he said with a laugh, I poked his stomach "nawhhhh what a shame" I said and chuckled "hey!" He replied and also chuckling while cuddling me again, I giggled and kissed his chest and he ran his hands through my hair, the moment was perfect, well was perfect.

The door bust open and revealed what looked like a Indian person walked in and well, chimed in "HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF OPENING THE GOD DAMN DOOR. NO?!" "sorry?.." Michael replied "which one of you is Ashley Irvin?" she asked and Michael smacked his hand on his head" "um, it's Ashton Irwin but that's me" I answered "yes you! Ashley Flannigan? come with me!" She said and Michael smacked his head again. My honest thoughts are just 'what the fuck" "um yeah sure okay" I said and got up and went over to her "it's Ashton Fletcher Irwin for fucks sake" Michael said "calm the fooking bloody hell down you fat cunt! Anyways, follow me my son." Erm????

She jogged out the room "love you" I said and left but faintly heard Michael's "love you more" I watched how this women skipped down the stairs and I just walked down them like a normal human but then she did a jiggy dance as she moved along "my gosh Ashley! I'm so full on energy today!" "that's erm.. good but my name is Ashton, not Ashley" "I corrected her "oH I'm so sorry Ashlynn! I didn't mean to say Ashley!" "no no, not Ashlynn..It's Ash- nevermind" I said, knowing there was no point "Ash? can I call you Ash?" "Yeah sure" "so is that guy.. Micky.. Your boyfriend??" "Michael, it's Michael but yes I guess" "Mitchell? oH okay! Right! so you're steady?" I have a sigh "sure? Um so can you just tell me what's going on?" "That's adorable! Me and my wife have been together​ for two weeks! I met her then married her the next day! And oH, we need to do some tests to find out how you are immune" "oH that's lovely..and okay.." "I know right?! When are you and Mickayla getting married?" I felt myself starting to get low key annoyed yet I knew I had to stay nice "I don't think we will anytime soon." I said and we walked into..The lab? whatever it was anyway.

This women who I don't seem to know the name of is still carrying on and honestly I'm worn out already and tjays before the tests. "That's a shame though! How long have you been together? Please tell me he gives you good sex! Does he look after you?" "Can we just get on with the tests please" "but I want to talk about you and your boyfriend! I want to make sure he is good to you." "Yes, he is very good to me" "and he gives you good sex? or are you a VIRGIN?!" "top notch sex." I said getting even more fed up "TOP notch? oH so you top? Interesting!" "Anyway.." I said trying to change the subject at least "anyway? As in you do it anyway at all? You are a kinky one aren't you!" "Please stop." "Sorry, just preparing you as a lot of these questions are on the sheet, you have to answer them all and they are all personal" "what sheet?" I asked curiously, "you get given a sheet full of questions you have to answer" "but why?" "They have to make sure you don't have any STDs" "I don't have that, I'm sure of it" "you could do, has your boyfriend had sex with anyone else? He could have ANBWEBEHEJSJJAHS and that could pass onto you" she said and me being disturbed by that strange ass word noise "yeah but that was a while ago" "that doesn't mean he's negative" and now at this point it's just got me thinking 'maybe if i say nothing she will shut up'.

She walked around the room, gathering equipment "also you have to do drug tests" "drug tests?" "Yes. Incase you're on anything like.. Crack..Yeah i think you look like crack head..No offence" "okay.nice." i said back bluntly, "are you on any drugs?" She asked "no" "sex doesn't count as a drug either" "I'm not on any drugs." "Good boy, now what about your diet? Are you pooping four times a day?" "No." "That's good news too, and you're not diabetic?" "Nope." "Okay fill out these 937197 questions." She said while handing me a stack of paper, I chuckled weakly "you're kidding right?" she then let out a sigh "you want the shorter version?" "please" "okay, fill out these 900 questions" she said and passed me a different stack and took the other back "thanks.."

What was probably around two hours later "you fucking done yet?" she snapped "Jesus Christ, yes I'm done." I said as I finished the last question "okay so I need three samples, the first one is a spit swab" "a what?" I asked and she held a baby cotton stick up "I'm going to use this cotton to get some of your spit. I need a sample" "oH.. right.. okay" "open wide! Here comes the aeroplane!" I rolled my eyes but opened my mouth as she needed and took a swab. She put it in a jar and continued "okay second I need one of your hairs, it doesn't matter what hair. You can choose" "I don't care" "you mean..I can..Choose?!" She asked with a smirk "there is no hair down there, so think again" "no i wasn't thinking down there.. was kinda thinking foot hair.. But you're 18 and have no pubes?! That's bad!!" "that's not really what I meant but okay" "no hair where? Aw you poor thing! You having puberty problems?" "No! Jesus Fucking Christ!" I snapped and pulled a hair from my head of hair and passed it "moving on." I added "please don't swear! but thank you.." she said and added it in another little jar "sorry." I mumbled "so the next one..You aren't going to like but i need it" "which is?", She passed lube, a jar and a gay porn magazine "bathroom is down the hall." oH hell no. "I'm not doing that." "I'm sorry but we need it, even if it's just bit." "No, no. I've had it up to here with you're shit. I'm leaving" i said and got up "you don't want to do it? Then you can't be here!! All immune survivors must have the test fully complete" "I'm not wanking into a jar!!" "want me to call you're boyfriend to make you produce semen? We need to get it somehow" "for fucks sake." I muttered and took the stuff into the bathroom and did my.. Business..And soon came back.

"All done?" She asked once I came back "all done." I sais and gave her the jar and she added it by the others and stacked paperwork "good wank?" "sure." "Glad! I remember my first finger blast, was great!! But anyway I'm going to have to take this stuff, wait here and call your boyfriend" she said when pointing over to a phone, the same that was in our room, she threw a few more insults before leaving and I went over to the phone and called them number from our room.

"Hello?" I heard his beautiful voice chime "kill me please?" "Ash? what's happening?" "I'll explain later..Are you okay?"  "Yeah I'm cool. Just chilling and watching some family guy in the room. Why are you taking so long?" "that's cool.. and I don't know.. Waiting I guess"  "that's a lot of waiting! It's been like 5 hours! they arent putting too much pressure on you are they?" "a little.. but don't worry" "I do worry, stay safe" "I will, I love you" "I love you too. I miss you, don't be too long okay?" "I won't Mikey.." I said and hung up.

If this is what every session is going to be like, then god help me. I just can't wait to have Michael by my side yet again.

Woohoo new chapter

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